MhankBarBar / whatsapp-bot

WhatsApp Bot
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message is missing critical data needed to download the file #207

Closed aymenitc closed 3 years ago

aymenitc commented 3 years ago

I'm getting this error today when quoting image or gif for example when I caption image with !sticker it works fine, but when quote a message image I get this error

[ERROR] Error: message is missing critical data needed to download the file.
    at /home/aymenitc/whatsapp-bot/node_modules/@open-wa/wa-decrypt/dist/decrypt.js:83:27
    at step (/home/aymenitc/whatsapp-bot/node_modules/@open-wa/wa-decrypt/dist/decrypt.js:44:23)
    at (/home/aymenitc/whatsapp-bot/node_modules/@open-wa/wa-decrypt/dist/decrypt.js:25:53)
    at /home/aymenitc/whatsapp-bot/node_modules/@open-wa/wa-decrypt/dist/decrypt.js:19:71
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at __awaiter (/home/aymenitc/whatsapp-bot/node_modules/@open-wa/wa-decrypt/dist/decrypt.js:15:12)
    at exports.decryptMedia (/home/aymenitc/whatsapp-bot/node_modules/@open-wa/wa-decrypt/dist/decrypt.js:67:71)
    at msgHandler (/home/aymenitc/whatsapp-bot/msgHndlr.js:134:41)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
lxndr-rl commented 3 years ago

I think this is already fixed, update wa-automate-nodejs and wa-decrypt

aymenitc commented 3 years ago

I updated wa-automate an hour a go, but how about wa-decrypt? how to update it

lxndr-rl commented 3 years ago

npm npm install @open-wa/wa-decrypt@latest yarn yarn upgrade @open-wa/wa-decrypt --latest

aymenitc commented 3 years ago

thank you man. it works 100%. you always help me I appreciate it ;)

lxndr-rl commented 3 years ago

Your welcome. Don't forget close this issue