Mhidayah19 / INF2001-P5_1

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1.1.3 Email client with follow-up questions (1st email) #3

Closed LilZBJ closed 1 year ago

LilZBJ commented 1 year ago
  1. Task title ID:


  2. What is this task about? This task is about collecting the necessary information related to the project from the client to proceed further with the rest of the project

  3. What are the goals of the task? The goal of this task is to ensure everyone is on the same page about what the project should achieve, preventing misunderstandings and scope issues. This helps deliver a project that meets the client's needs while efficiently managing resources and risks.

  4. Success or completion criteria. It would mean all the questions are being answered without any more doubts regarding it.

  5. Allocated time Tentative because delay from client side

  6. Start and end date for the issue/task Start - 06/09/23 End - 14/09/23

  7. Who is the owner? Owner is the person in charge of the task and should be created and maintained by the owner. Reness

  8. Task Status. In-Progress

  9. What is the priority of this task? Low priority

Thrith10 commented 1 year ago

Questions that were sent to the client and waiting for his reply

• Scheduling: Q: Does the pilot rest period follow the external requirement: Air Navigation (121 — Commercial Air Transport by Large Aeroplanes) Regulations 2018? It states that pilots must have a minimum of 10 hours rest if the rest period includes a local night, 12 hours minimum rest if it does not include a local night. Day off = free of duties for 34 hours, cannot be rostered to work more than 7 consecutive days with no off days, has at least 2 off days every 2 weeks, has 8 days off every 4 weeks.

A: Yes, these are standard guidelines for pilots.

• Scheduling: Q: In the project document, it is stated that staff can add and edit their availability up to 5 weeks ahead of time and staff can indicate their job preference for the week (Can the staff indicate their preference 5 weeks ahead of time?)

A: Yes.

• Scheduling/IT: Q: In the project document, it is stated that staff can reject jobs assigned to them, but they will be warned to discuss the jobs with their manager before proceeding with the rejection (What happens if the staff reject a job, but do not discuss it with their manager?)

A: System should indicate to the manager that for this particular time-slot may need a replacement that could be drawn from the standby pool.

• Scheduling/IT: Q: In the project document, it is stated that when displaying the staff availability, the workload assigned, staff’s job preference, staff’s location at a particular date, and availability for the week should be shown (How will the staff be identified and authenticated on the system? Using Username/password/employee ID?)

A: NA. Follow initial assumption.

• Scheduling/technical: Q: What kind of job assignments? Short Haul or Long Haul? (I.e, how many short haul and long haul destinations will the flights cover?)

A: Depend on route.

• Scheduling/technical: Q: What happens to the pilot if the flight is canceled at the last minute due to weather, takes MC, or a disruption happens in general? (pilot gets reallocated to another flight?)

A: Possible or put into a standby pool.

• Scheduling: Q: Is there a separate scheduling for the pilot training? (I.e, are training pilots considered in the schedule?)

A: NA. Follow initial assumption.

• Scheduling/technical: Q: How does aircraft maintenance play a role in scheduling? (I.e, when an aircraft is out of service, what happens to the pilots?)

A: Availability of the aircrafts could be shown.

• Scheduling: Q: Is there a specific cut off time for work allocation assignment on Monday, workload allocation planning on Thursday, and employees submitting availability on Wednesday?(Work allocation assignment must be done by 2359?)

A: NA. Follow initial assumption.

• Scheduling: Q: How many off days/leave are allocated to the pilot? How far in advance can the pilot request leave? (I.e, How far in advance and when is the latest date they can request leave?)

A: NA. Follow initial assumption.

• Scheduling: Q: How is staff’s preference granted on what basis? (I.e, rank? First come, first served?)

A: When resource could be met.

• IT: Q How will staff indicate their availability? On their personal devices (Phone, laptop, etc) or on company devices (Only accessible on company PC etc).

A: NA. Follow initial assumption.

• Scheduling: Q: Does seniority in rank play a part in scheduling?

A: Perhaps, this could be parameter that could be configured by the manager. Anyway, the planning manager could do the amendments and modifications.