Mi-V-Soft-RISC-V / PolarFire-Eval-Kit

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What to expect from these scripts #18

Open duaneellissd opened 1 year ago

duaneellissd commented 1 year ago

so I run the script, specifically I am running the script: PF_Eval_Kit_MIV_RV32_BaseDesign.tcl, with "CFG3" as the parameter.

It runs, then "POOF" - Libero closes - sort of as if the application crashed. That is jaring and not expected.

I don't know if(A) that is expected, or (B) if something has gone horribly wrong.

Suggestions: a) if this is intended operation, document this in the user manual. b) think about putting popping up a dialog box of some type, ie: "SUCCESS, CLICK OK TO EXIT" c) Write "SUCCESS" to a log file and tell your victim (ie: somebody like me) where to find the log file. You might know where that log file is - but I sure do not.

CLappin commented 1 year ago

Hi @duaneellissd,

This is not expected behavior. Can I assume that you are using the scripts in main? Also which version of Libero SoC are you using?

duaneellissd commented 1 year ago

Liberia 2022.1 on windows

duaneellissd commented 1 year ago

Yes using the scripts

CLappin commented 1 year ago

Ok, I don't think the scripts are part of the problem but could you try it with the release scripts for Libero 2022.1 instead of the scripts on main as they are for Libero 2022.2. I think the issue will happen anyway but the more information we can get to try and fix it the better.

duaneellissd commented 1 year ago

i do not have access to every version of libero only the ones our fpga team has approved for use.

and i am not allowed to download anything i want like that (fireable offense)

you i believe work for microsemi and have access to anything i am surprised you cannot do this yourself.

CLappin commented 1 year ago

Apologies, the only reason I asked was because you said you we're using Libero 2022.1 above. I'll look into this and come back to you.

CLappin commented 1 year ago

So I saw this happen on Ubuntu, while I was running a build so I ran out of memory and got a segment fault. I rebooted the machine and I was able to build without Libero crashing. At the end of the script you'll get a dialog box telling you that the script has complete, and there will be a message in the transcript window, "The Execute Script command succeeded.".

Libero does require a minimum of 16Gb of memory which explains why mine crashed, running multiple builds of a project. if possible could you try rebooting your machine and re-running the libero script again to see if it crashes. I'll get in contact with some people internally so see if this is expect behavior or not.

duaneellissd commented 1 year ago

simple solution set up about an 8gig swap space sure uts slow but you just added 8 gig of quasi ram