MiCode / Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource

Xiaomi Mobile Phone Kernel OpenSource
8.58k stars 3.16k forks source link

Atleast give Encrypted Kernel Source for Xiaomi Redmi 5 Plus/Note 5 #989

Open AmulyaX opened 5 years ago

AmulyaX commented 5 years ago

Vince still on N-oss, that too unified with Tiffany, now P-oss for Daisy along with breadcrumbs for Vince. Atleast give O Sources seperately! :3

scafroglia93 commented 5 years ago


ghost commented 5 years ago

Gib source to the man xiaomi

prateekpunetha commented 5 years ago

Gib it wtf :sweat_smile:

EriecTanijaya commented 5 years ago

Dont let us down

krasCGQ commented 5 years ago



rama982 commented 5 years ago

vince-o-oss already released accidentally inside daisy-p-oss. lmao Xaomi not even bother to clean it.

krasCGQ commented 5 years ago

sakura also it seems.

laststandrighthere commented 5 years ago

still got pie things