MiKTeX / docker-miktex

the Docker image for running MiKTeX
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Install make along with MiKTeX to use make #8

Closed milkpirate closed 5 years ago

milkpirate commented 5 years ago

Some repos can benefit from haveing make available. E.g. LaTeX docs which were generated via Sphinx do include a Makefile for easy compile to PDF.

- RUN apt-get install miktex -y
+ RUN apt-get install make miktex -y

will do the trick hopefully.

Also adding sudo and adduser miktex sudo would it make possible to adjust the container in CIs without building it all on your own. So:

- RUN apt-get install miktex -y
+ RUN apt-get install make miktex sudo -y
+ RUN adduser miktex sudo
1kastner commented 5 years ago

Maybe you could just fork this project and offer your own version? I would most likely pull your image from docker hub.

milkpirate commented 5 years ago


I have made my own dockerfile because I am using the gitlabs CI with their/my own docker registry (where I pull my images from). Hope it helps eventhough its not pullable container.

1kastner commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot, it's a great help! mpm --install amsfonts is kind of what I was looking for in #9. In https://docs.miktex.org/manual/mpm.html there are the listed options.

milkpirate commented 5 years ago

I guess miktex is installing missing tex packages on the fly whenever they are needed... but in the CI many things are differen :) good to know.

Will close that issue, since I found a solution for myself.

1kastner commented 5 years ago

It does install them on-the-fly but that is not what I want it to do because it is kind of expensive. Therefore the image should be delivered with batteries included. Thank you very much for sharing your dockerfile!