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possible babel/biblatex package error #304

Closed alceu-frigeri closed 1 year ago

alceu-frigeri commented 1 year ago

Possible bug related to babel/biblatex packages or latex3.

after the last update I started getting error messages associated with the \MakeUppercase , \cite and \fullcite commands (well, in fact, I have noticed that problem today, when compiling a file I knew was working just fine up to a few weeks ago). the kind of error messages I'm getting are related to:

===================== ! Argument of __text_expand_loop:w has an extra }.

\par l.24 \MakeUppercase {aâãàá b} >this error happens IF I load the babel package ==================== the other case is =============== ! Argument of \__text_expand_loop:w has an extra }. \par l.28 \cite{ABNT:NBR-14724-2011} > this error happens IF I load the biblatex package with the abnt style. ======== As said, these might be babel/biblatex bugs or, given the error message, perhaps even latex3 related (one can find the full example by err-report.zip) since I don't know if the problem is MiKTeX specific, or babel/biblatex (even latex3) related, I have also made a question in stackexchange (with a full description and 'minimum workable example') https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/665405/bug-report-on-babel-biblatex-packages-probably-latex3-related below one can find my log files (log.zip) , workable example (err-report.zip) and installation report (miktex-report.txt). I have tried to search the 'internet' to see if it is an already known issue, but found nothing. Thanks for any help. [log.zip](https://github.com/MiKTeX/miktex/files/10024277/log.zip) [err-report.zip](https://github.com/MiKTeX/miktex/files/10024279/err-report.zip) [miktex-report.txt](https://github.com/MiKTeX/miktex/files/10024281/miktex-report.txt)
u-fischer commented 1 year ago

As discussed at https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/665414/2388, the problem is that miktex missed to update the firstaid package. It still has the version from june, while on ctan there is 1.0u 2022-10-29 https://ctan.org/pkg/latex-firstaid.

edocevoli commented 1 year ago

Thank you, this has been fixed. Please check for updates tomorrow.