MiMo42 / MMTabBarView

A Mac OS X tab bar view that works on 10.9+ with Xcode 9.3+. Pull requests welcomed.
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Documentation #37

Closed tussock closed 5 years ago

tussock commented 8 years ago

Hi All,

I've been putting together an app using swift and was hoping to use this toolbar - because the built in toolbars are kinda hideous. I haven't found any documentation... which has made it a little difficult, and I've not had good results yet. The demo is awesome, but is in obj-C.

As far as I can tell... I need to add a custom view, set the class to MMTabBarView and then set its tabView property pointed to an existing NSTabView. Is that required? If it is, can I hide that TabView? Also... whats the difference between partnerview and tabview properties? Your demo uses both.

It seems that I then add/remove items from the NSTabView with extra options added to the identifier property in a class (your DemoFakeModel class). Those will then get replicated into the MMTabBarView. Is that right? It doesn't seem to be working for me.

Thx for any advice you can give.

DivineDominion commented 8 years ago

I wonder about this, too, at the moment.

An empty MMTabBarView is easy to produce, but I cannot get tabs to show even though I retain a strong reference to an empty NSTabView in code, pass the reference to MMTabBarView, make that the delegate of the NSTabView, too, and then add tabs to the NSTabView :/

random-developer commented 6 years ago

I'm having similar problems with getting my MMTabBarView to work properly - connections are made correctly however it seems my issue is more one of installation.

I've dragged the MMTabBarView project into my application's project.

I've added MMTabBarView to my application's list of libraries to link against.

Initially I'm seeing that MMTabBarView doesn't display my button tabs -- but I've figured out (by just cycling through various style settings) that if I [_tabBarView setStyleNamed:@"Yosemite"]; then the tab bar view is rendered and it seems to work partially*.

If instead I use any styles in: Adium, Aqua, Card, LiveChat, Metal, Unified, or Safari, I get various indications that the style selection was recognized, however no buttons get rendered (and clicking where buttons should be doesn't have any effect). I can only get rendering under the Yosemite style (which is unfortunate for me since I'd like to use the Card style).

*even with the Yosemite style, the overflow menu does not render.