Closed Thelypody closed 3 years ago
Might be related to it failing one of the ppu tests from mooneye-gb which works on real hardware. This is the only test in the ppu category from mooneye that the MiSTer GB core still doesn't pass. All the other succeed (which is amazing).
; Tests whether writes to OAM and VRAM pass after the PPU is enabled by
; writing to LCDC.
; Verified results:
; pass: DMG, MGB, SGB, SGB2
; fail: CGB, AGB, AGS
.include "common.s"
call disable_lcd_safe
call clear_vram
call clear_oam
ld de, OAM
call run_tests
ld de, expect_oam_access
call verify_results
ld de, VRAM
call run_tests
ld de, expect_vram_access
call verify_results
.bank 1 slot 1
.section "Test_expectations" FREE
; Each write in a test pass can be seen as equivalent to this:
; ldh (<LCDC), a <- PPU enabled
; nops XXX <- nop count goes here
; ld (de), a
.db 0 17 18 60 61 110 111
.db 112 130 131 132 174 175 224 225
.db 226 244 245 246
.db $81 $81 $00 $00 $81 $81 $81
.db $00 $00 $81 $00 $00 $81 $81 $81
.db $00 $00 $81 $00
.db "OAM write" $00
.db $81 $81 $00 $00 $81 $81 $81
.db $81 $81 $81 $00 $00 $81 $81 $81
.db $81 $81 $81 $00
.db "VRAM write" $00
; Inputs:
; DE: test expectations pointer
push de
ld c, $00
ld hl, wram.test_results
- ld a, (hl)
ld b, a
ld a, (de)
cp b
jp nz, verify_fail
inc de
inc hl
inc c
ld a, c
cp 19
jr nz, -
pop de
ld a, (hl)
ld (hram.fail_actual), a
ld a, (de)
ld (hram.fail_expect), a
ld a, c
ld (hram.fail_round), a
pop de
ld h, $00
ld l, 19
add hl, de
ld a, l
ld (hram.fail_str_l), a
ld a, h
ld (hram.fail_str_h), a
print_string_literal "Test failed: "
call print_newline
ld a, (hram.fail_str_l)
ld c, a
ld a, (hram.fail_str_h)
ld b, a
call print_string
call print_newline
call print_newline
print_string_literal "Cycle: $"
push hl
ld hl, nop_counts
ld b, $00
ld a, (hram.fail_round)
ld c, a
add hl, bc
ld a, (hl)
pop hl
call print_hex8
call print_newline
print_string_literal "Expected: $"
ld a, (hram.fail_expect)
call print_hex8
call print_newline
print_string_literal "Actual: $"
ld a, (hram.fail_actual)
call print_hex8
ld d, $42
.ramsection "Test-WRAM" slot WRAM0_SLOT
wram.test_code dsb 300
wram.test_results dsb 19
.ramsection "Test-HRAM" slot HRAM_SLOT
hram.fail_round db
hram.fail_expect db
hram.fail_actual db
hram.fail_str .dw
hram.fail_str_l db
hram.fail_str_h db
.bank 1 slot 1
.section "Test_case" FREE
; Inputs:
; DE address to read
; Preserved: -
ld hl, nop_counts
ld bc, wram.test_results
xor a
- cp 19
ret z
push af
ld a, (hl+)
push hl
ld h, b
ld l, c
call test_case
ld b, h
ld c, l
pop hl
pop af
inc a
jr -
; Inputs:
; A number of nops
; DE address to read
; HL test result pointer
; Outputs:
; DE address to read
; HL test result pointer + 1
push hl
push de
push af
xor a
ld (OAM), a
ld (VRAM), a
; Copy test case prologue code
ld hl, wram.test_code
ld de, test_case_prologue
ld bc, test_case_epilogue - test_case_prologue
call memcpy
; Add nops
pop af
- and a
jr z, +
dec a
ld (hl), $00
inc hl
jr -
; Copy test case epilogue code
ld de, test_case_epilogue
ld bc, test_case_end - test_case_epilogue
call memcpy
pop de
call wram.test_code
call disable_lcd_safe
pop hl
ld a, (de)
ld (hl+), a
ld a, $81
ldh (<LCDC), a
; nops will be added here
ld (de), a
Maybe @Gekkio could provide some insights into whether this test points to the root of the problem.
What is even more amazing is that the core also passes all of Wilbertpol's PPU tests :grin:
This game does a timed write to VRAM right at the edge where mode 3 ends and VRAM access is restored and this write was blocked. I have changed the CPU write signal to 2 Tcycles instead of 1 so that second write cycle succeeds.
Latest release plays this game without graphic corruption. Thanks to everyone for research and fixes!
Conker's Pocket Tales (USA, Europe) (En,Fr,De) (SGB Enhanced) (GB Compatible).gbc SHA-1: E9C3B1BB20EA74F363191EA9144009D1B13246BB MD5: FEE6336F969C9E72E9B78BE53D512C1E
This game by Rareware is notable for having two very different versions of the same title available on one game cartridge: one version optimized for the original Game Boy and Super Game Boy, another version optimized for Game Boy Color. On boot the game checks player's hardware revision and loads one of two versions. On MiSTer core selecting Game Boy or Super Game Boy instead of Auto or Game Boy Color boots the DMG/SGB version of the game, but there seems to be some kind of sprite corruption going on. Some lines on moving objects seem to be in wrong positions. It can be quickly tested by comparing Conker's pupils on the title screen or the player sprite in the first game location.
Here are screenshots from the MiSTer core (20210227, hardware set to Game Boy): And here are same sprites from SameBoy 0.14.1 for comparison: