MiSTer-devel / MSX_MiSTer

MSX for MiSTer
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Permanent button remapping NOT working #30

Open suww37 opened 3 years ago

suww37 commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to permanently save controller / keyboard remapping on the MiSTer MSX core?

sorgelig commented 3 years ago

There is no such function "permanent button remapping". Remapping is per game and therefore cannot be permanent.

suww37 commented 3 years ago

There is no such function "permanent button remapping". Remapping is per game and therefore cannot be permanent.

thank your replay for my question. but I don't want it per game, I want it per msx core. why is keybored /joycon remapping save is impossibe?

sorgelig commented 3 years ago

Each core supports joystick definition. So choose "define MSX buttons" option and then choose buttons you want to use for joystick. You also can use keyboard to define keys used for joystick using the same menu option (https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Main_MiSTer/wiki/Keyboard)

suww37 commented 3 years ago

Each core supports joystick definition. So choose "define MSX buttons" option and then choose buttons you want to use for joystick. You also can use keyboard to define keys used for joystick using the same menu option (https://github.com/MiSTer-devel/Main_MiSTer/wiki/Keyboard)

Thank you for your explain. But keyboard to define keys used for joystick using menu option at the MSX core is vanished if MiSTer power is off. key remapping is not saved. " /media/fat/config/kbd[VID][PID].map file. " there is not it at my MiSTer SD card.

I want keyboard remappings to be saved on each core. The remapping stored in each core disappears when I turn off MiSTer. I am understanding that remapping per game is difficult. However, I think storing remapping per core is possible enough. Am i wrong?