MiSTer-devel / ao486_MiSTer

ao486 port for MiSTer
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MIDI Input from USB Keyboard not working #124

Open ferro4prez opened 1 year ago

ferro4prez commented 1 year ago

Trying to use a MIDI Keyboard to input notes in AO486. So far have not been able to make this work at all.

Example applications : Windows 3.1 : Cakewalk. DOS : Impulse Tracker. There simply is no activity.

This setup works Perfectly on minimig - in ProTracker I load modules and instantly I can play the samples using the MIDI Keyboard - so the keyboard and the MiSTer are 100% talking to each other.

...is there some specific MPU configuration necessary or is this just not implemented?

sorgelig commented 1 year ago

MIDI input is not implemented yet.

ferro4prez commented 1 year ago

MIDI input is not implemented yet.

Thanks for the reply!

However -- if I change the Audio Device in Impulse Tracker to use MPU401 -- it DOES receive MIDI! But of course there is no audio. Is there some explanation for what is happening here?

sorgelig commented 1 year ago

Well, MIDI input is actually connected to MPU module but never tested. I don't have MIDI keyboard neither i'm familiar with MIDI apps. Where sound is supposed to be generated? What is playing the samples from MIDI?

ferro4prez commented 1 year ago

MPU would've been where a MIDI keyboard connected, and MPU is selectable as an Audio Device in Impulse Tracker - which is a MIDI only device so there is no sound. It should work for MIDI input from MPU, and output to the SB16.

In any case I would 100% donate towards you getting one of these : https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BKZPRF1L/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1

if it might help fill some of the gaps in ao486 for those of us working with audio. MIDI Drum channel is another quick mention that isn't implemented yet (I believe).

edit : this is the keyboard I have working in minimig currently, works beautifully.

sorgelig commented 1 year ago

Do you have MT32pi connected? May be MIDI sequence is supposed to be played by MIDI device but it's not connected. MiSTer has integrated MIDI MT32/GM emulator with different success rate depending on use case, but it needs to be configured correctly and it must be selected in OSD as a MIDI device. But i think with external MIDI input it's impossible to use internal MIDI emulator, so you need to use external one like MT32pi or real MIDI player (which will have its own output).