Arch Linux ARM packages to run MiSTer
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Investigate packaging cores #21

Open amstan opened 2 years ago

amstan commented 2 years ago

Once #19 and #20 are finished, I can start looking at if I should/how i could package up all of mister's cores so they're managed by pacman.

Would be cool if I could select the following list of arch packages installed:

A couple group packages could be created too, which would be a way for users to list what's available:

Note that most/all of these new core packages map directly to mister-downloader filters. By the looks of it, every core is non-overlapping with other cores, but I guess I'll see that after creating all packages and try installing them at the same time (if i get file conflicts).

amstan commented 2 years ago

For now this is how a pkg/ looks like:

amstan commented 2 years ago

For now versioning is still a problem, though one idea is to look at the core.rbf itself and try to extract it from there.

The problem with this is that we'll be oblivious if anything changed without the core changing, which will mean no updates in those cases. That's why I left stuff like pkgrel in each of the individual packages (for manual bumping), otherwise it would have been more trivial to replicate all the PKGBUILDs.

Would have been much easier if upstream had a way to track this.