Closed jkmurrell closed 7 years ago
What version of Mibew are you trying to install?
V. 2.2.3
Looks like instead of running the front controller for the installation procedure the main front controller being used.
What about your web server (name, version, installed modules, etc.)?
Hi I have the same issue when attempting to install at /install
I've noticed that this might be due to the fact that /install redirects to /operator/login even though the instructions say to enter this into the browser.
Typing in /install.php on the other hand brings up a 500 error which says the following in my apache error log:
[Fri Jul 28 12:56:00.308811 2017] [:error] [pid 4983] [client] PHP Fatal error: Database was not initialized correctly in /var/www/html/mibew/libs/classes/Mibew/Database.php on line 120
Any assistance with this would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
I'm running Apache 2.4.10 on Debian 8 with PHP 5.6.30.
Apache Modules: core_module (static) so_module (static) watchdog_module (static) http_module (static) log_config_module (static) logio_module (static) version_module (static) unixd_module (static) access_compat_module (shared) alias_module (shared) auth_basic_module (shared) authn_core_module (shared) authn_file_module (shared) authz_core_module (shared) authz_host_module (shared) authz_user_module (shared) autoindex_module (shared) cache_module (shared) cache_disk_module (shared) cgi_module (shared) deflate_module (shared) dir_module (shared) env_module (shared) expires_module (shared) filter_module (shared) headers_module (shared) mime_module (shared) mpm_itk_module (shared) mpm_prefork_module (shared) negotiation_module (shared) php5_module (shared) proxy_module (shared) proxy_http_module (shared) reqtimeout_module (shared) rewrite_module (shared) setenvif_module (shared) socache_shmcb_module (shared) ssl_module (shared) status_module (shared) unique_id_module (shared)
PHP modules: bcmath bz2 calendar Core ctype date dba dom ereg exif fileinfo filter ftp gd gettext hash iconv json libxml mbstring mhash mysql mysqli openssl pcntl pcre PDO pdo_mysql Phar posix readline Reflection session shmop SimpleXML soap sockets SPL standard sysvmsg sysvsem sysvshm tokenizer wddx xml xmlreader xmlwriter Zend OPcache zip zlib
Is there perhaps a different forum where I could get assistance with this as it is of critical importance?
@jkmurrell Still waiting to hear from you.
in .htaccess
?The issue will be closed due to inactivity in 2 weeks.
There is a topic at our forum related to the issue:,192142.0.html
In order to figure out how to reproduce the problem, I'm duplicating my questions here:
Correct me if I'm wrong. To reproduce the issue one should:
Setup standard LAMP system (let it be Debian 8 with Apache 2.4.10, PHP 5.6.30, and multiple modules and PHP extensions as was described here).
Download our official distribution:
Unpack the distribution at /<server document root>/mibew/
Prepare valid configuration for Mibew Messenger (i.e. configs/config.yml
Visit http://<server>/mibew/install
Right? Is it a full list of steps to reproduce the issue without any missed parts?
So, I've finally try to reproduce the problem.
First of all, the listed configuration is not the default one. There were several default modules extra enabled, namely:
cache_module (shared)
cache_disk_module (shared)
cgi_module (shared)
expires_module (shared)
headers_module (shared)
proxy_module (shared)
proxy_http_module (shared)
rewrite_module (shared)
socache_shmcb_module (shared)
ssl_module (shared)
unique_id_module (shared)
And one additional extra module installed, namely:
mpm_itk_module (shared)
But that's not the case.
Second of all, in the list of PHP modules there are no required curl
module. But that's not the case too.
Third of all, I've recreated the whole environment known to me by the messages from @dj-calyx (i.e. Debian 8.8.0, MySQL 5.5.58, PHP 5.6.30, etc.), but still were unable to reproduce the issue.
The only extra thing that I've done besided the steps listed in the README.txt
were the changes in the configuration of Apache for the default site. I've enabled the possibility to use mod_rewrite
directives in .htaccess
. The fragment of the configuration is listed below (but it's pretty standard):
<Directory /var/www/html>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
However, even without this I were able to install Mibew Messenger using the direct link: http://<server>/mibew/install.php
So, at the moment I'm closing the issue. Anyone is free to reopen it, but only in case of additional information been provided.
When running install at /install.php, this error appears. All database credentials are correct and have been double checked.