Mic92 / nixpkgs-review

Review pull-requests on https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
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how to just list the affected packages without building them ? #376

Closed teto closed 8 months ago

teto commented 8 months ago

silly question maybe but couldn't find the solution. I have changed a package in my local nixpkgs and I would like to know how many packages it impacts (ie. number of package that will need rebuilding) out of curiosity (and also to decide which merge branch to target). Usually I rely on ofborg but it's pretty slow lately.

Is there a way to run nixpkgs-review to just list the impacted packages without rebuildings them ? or another script/solution/ like a public ofborg script I could run locally ?

Artturin commented 8 months ago

There is ./maintainers/scripts/rebuild-amount.sh in nixpkgs

teto commented 8 months ago

amazing, I've been contributing for years without knowing about this ^^'' . Thanks a lot