I'm trying to list my albums grouped by artists, but I don't really get how to do that : your documentation indicates that list() can take an argument "group", so I try to do that:
mpdclient.connect(server, port)
mpdclient.list("album", "group", "albumartist")
mpd.CommandError: [2@0] {list} not able to parse args
Did I misunderstood your doc or do I have to do this in 2 operations (listing artists, and then listing the albums for each artist of the list) ?
Thank you
Hello, I'm trying to list my albums grouped by artists, but I don't really get how to do that : your documentation indicates that list() can take an argument "group", so I try to do that:
Did I misunderstood your doc or do I have to do this in 2 operations (listing artists, and then listing the albums for each artist of the list) ? Thank you