MicBosi / VisualizationLibrary

Visualization Library is a C++ middleware for high-performance 2D and 3D graphics applications based on OpenGL 1.x-4.x supporting Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
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Screen shots when running visualization library under Windows' msys2 #212

Open asmwarrior opened 1 year ago

asmwarrior commented 1 year ago

It is very nice to see this library can be built against wxWidgets library under Windows' msys2.

See the details in this issue for build steps: when building this library wxWidgets support under msys2, I got build error, here is a patch to fix the error

When I run mingw32-make.exe install, all the dlls and exes were installed to a folder. Now, in the msys2 shell, I switch to this folder, and I can run several programs:

run vlWX_tests.exe For example, if you would like to run the fifth test, just type: ./vlWX_tests.exe 15, here is the result:


You can try many other tests, see a list below:

Visualization Library v2.2.0 [f32]
Aug  4 2023 - 16:24:53 - GCC compiler [DEBUG] [x64]

 --- Environment ---
VL_LOGFILE_PATH <not present>
VL_DATA_PATH <not present>
VL_VERBOSITY_LEVEL <not present>
VL_CHECK_GL_STATES <not present>

 --- Global Settings ---
Log file  = log.txt
Data path = ../data
Verbosity level = DEBUG
Check OpenGL States = YES

--- --- --- ---- ----

Test -1 does not exist.

Usage example:
        vlWin32_tests N - runs test #N using the Win32 gui bindings.
        vlWin32_tests test_name - runs"test_name" using the Win32 gui bindings.

 1 - blind_test
 2 - vlx_test
 3 - primitives
 4 - drawcall
 5 - near_far_optim
 6 - effect_override
 7 - shader_override
 8 - shader_lod_anim
 9 - shader_alpha_multipass
10 - geometry_lod_anim
11 - render_order
12 - robot_transform
13 - billboard
14 - multi_camera
15 - light
16 - clippling_plane
17 - draw_pixels
18 - image_functions
19 - texturing
20 - point_plot
21 - point_sprite_plot
22 - gpu_morph
23 - text_raven
24 - text_alignment
25 - text_rotation
26 - text_multilingual
27 - text_solar_system
28 - glsl
29 - glsl_normal_map
30 - glsl_image_proc
31 - glsl_mandelbrot
32 - render_to_texture
33 - fbo_render_to_texture
34 - fbo_render_to_texture_mrt
35 - fbo_copy_texture_to_color_buffer
36 - fbo_blit_multisample
37 - fbo_render_to_multisample_texture
38 - geometry_instancing
39 - poly_depth_sort
40 - poly_reduction
41 - simple_terrain
42 - vector_graphics
43 - culling
44 - kdtree
45 - model_viewer
46 - deformer
47 - volume_point_splat
48 - volume_sliced
49 - volume_raycast
50 - marching_cubes
51 - tessellator
52 - extrusion
53 - extrusions
54 - interpolator
55 - molecule
56 - edge_enhance
57 - portal_cull
58 - occlusion_cull
59 - bezier_patch
60 - picking
61 - tessellation_shader
62 - stereo

So there are so many tests you can try.