MichaCo / CacheManager

CacheManager is an open source caching abstraction layer for .NET written in C#. It supports various cache providers and implements many advanced features.
Apache License 2.0
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Release 2.0 PR with a lot of changes #340

Open MichaCo opened 3 years ago

MichaCo commented 3 years ago

Breaking Changes:

REMOVED Binary Serializer

For many reasons I decided to drop support for binary serialization. It was never a good option in the first place because of performance and Microsoft made it obsolete in NET50 because of security issues, too, see https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/dotnet/fundamentals/syslib-diagnostics/syslib0011

REMOVED Performance Counters

This feature didn't really work great with distributed caches, I never used it and it causes more issues then it has value I think.

Microsoft.Configuration integration

I removed 2 extensions which either created a new ILoggerFactory or constructed the service provider to resolve one. Both extensions are error prone and might lead to confusion. Therefore I deleted them. There is only one extension which takes an existing ILoggerFactory which will work with all versions of those MS Extensions.

suntereo commented 3 years ago

This is good news for us! I started evaluating this for use in a new project last week and was concerned about the project being dead. Happy to see new activity!

educosta commented 3 years ago


When will this version be released?

MichaCo commented 3 years ago

When I have time to fix some issues with the CI pipeline. Trying to replace the old one with Github actions. But its a pain in the a...

frg commented 2 years ago

Would it be possible to bump the StackExchange.Redis version to 2.2.62? https://github.com/StackExchange/StackExchange.Redis/tags

MichaCo commented 2 years ago

@frg I'm already using 2.2 of the client. Minor version updates should be compatible. So you can always choose to manually use a newer version then what the CacheManager reference uses by just referencing it with a PackageReference in your project.

Libraries, like CacheManager, should be more lax in terms of dependencies, otherwise I basically force consumers to update to the latest, which might not always be the greatest ^^

But I'll take a look regarding what changed

frg commented 2 years ago

You're right. Thanks!

Also, looking forward for this update. Great work!

robertcoltheart commented 2 years ago

Any update on this? We've been waiting over a year for netstandard packages.

frg commented 2 years ago

@robertcoltheart Keep in mind this is an open-source project. There's no guarantee for updates or timelines. One of the beauties of open-source projects is that you can fork and develop your own, which is what we did.

muhmuhhum commented 2 years ago

Any updates on this ?