MichaIng / DietPi

Lightweight justice for your single-board computer!
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Testing : lighttpd (LLAP) + phpMyAdmin prompts for user input #209

Closed rhkean closed 8 years ago

rhkean commented 8 years ago

While working on #205 , phpMyAdmin began prompting for database passwords. This should not happen, given the debconf-set-selections code in dietpi-software. Some research indicated that the automated apt-get install should include: DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive

this change to dietpi-software appears to fix the problem... it also seems to speed up the install... (although I haven't timed it)

                local string="$@"
                DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y $string

                local result=$?
                if (( $result != 0 )); then
Fourdee commented 8 years ago

@rhkean It sounds like the debconf settings are not being applied. I just tried phpmyadmin install on Jessie, did not prompt for any debconf set details and seems to be working fine.

Are you running Wheezy?

rhkean commented 8 years ago

no. Jessie... RPi2 v109 image written with the dietpi-writeimage script only 2 mods.... #205 patch to dietpi-software and automated dietpi.txt

Fourdee commented 8 years ago

Bizzare :)

Can you remember your software selections in dietpi-software before the installation started? May be something else causing the issue.

rhkean commented 8 years ago

I just reran the test. I can send you the exact files. email or post on Fuzon?

here are the dietpi.txt changes from default: ( diff -u orig new | egrep "^+" )

+++ dietpi.txt  2016-02-27 13:31:28.531389194 -0500

and the dietpi-software diff....

--- /var/tmp/mnt/boot/dietpi/dietpi-software    2016-02-11 15:42:14.000000000 -0500
+++ v110/dietpi-software        2016-02-27 12:48:50.196388889 -0500
@@ -479,6 +479,16 @@
                local info_3="MySql"
                local info_4="PHP"
+               # - Installs that require at least 1 webserver stack
+               # -   If none set, then enable LASP stack
+               if (( $LINUXDASH == 1 || $PHPSYSINFO == 1 || $PHPIMAGEGALLERY == 1 )); then
+                       if (( $WEBSERVER_LASP == 0 && $WEBSERVER_LAMP == 0 && $WEBSERVER_LAAP == 0 &&     \
+                             $WEBSERVER_LESP == 0 && $WEBSERVER_LEMP == 0 && $WEBSERVER_LEAP == 0 &&     \
+                             $WEBSERVER_LLSP == 0 && $WEBSERVER_LLMP == 0 && $WEBSERVER_LLAP == 0 )); then
+                               WEBSERVER_LASP=1
+                       fi
+               fi
                # Apply all "combo" installs that require webserver stack

                # - Installs that require WEBSERVER_LASP
@@ -488,14 +498,8 @@
                elif (( $RASPCONTROL == 1 )); then
-               elif (( $LINUXDASH == 1 )); then
-                       WEBSERVER_LASP=1
                elif (( $PIHOLE == 1 )); then
-               elif (( $PHPSYSINFO == 1 )); then
-                       WEBSERVER_LASP=1
-               elif (( $PHPIMAGEGALLERY == 1 )); then
-                       WEBSERVER_LASP=1

                # - Installs that require WEBSERVER_LAMP
@@ -755,7 +759,13 @@
                        echo -e "phpmyadmin      phpmyadmin/password-confirm     password dietpi" | debconf-set-selections
                        echo -e "phpmyadmin      phpmyadmin/setup-password       password dietpi" | debconf-set-selections
                        echo -e "phpmyadmin      phpmyadmin/mysql/app-pass       password dietpi" | debconf-set-selections
+                       if (( $WEBSERVER_APACHE > 0 )); then
                        echo -e "phpmyadmin      phpmyadmin/reconfigure-webserver        multiselect     apache2" | debconf-set-selections
+                       elif (( $WEBSERVER_LIGHTTPD > 0 )); then
+                               echo -e "phpmyadmin      phpmyadmin/reconfigure-webserver        multiselect     lighttpd" | debconf-set-selections
+                       else
+                               echo -e "phpmyadmin      phpmyadmin/reconfigure-webserver        multiselect     none" | debconf-set-selections
+                       fi

                        AGI phpmyadmin

@@ -1484,7 +1494,7 @@

                        #check source is online
-                       INSTALL_URL_ADDRESS='http://sye.dk/sfpg/Single_File_PHP_Gallery_4.5.7.zip'
+                       INSTALL_URL_ADDRESS='http://dietpi.com/downloads/binaries/all/Single_File_PHP_Gallery_4.6.1.zip'
                        /DietPi/dietpi/func/check_connection "$INSTALL_URL_ADDRESS"

@@ -2478,7 +2488,7 @@
                                # - Php-FPM confs
                                cp /DietPi/dietpi/conf/php-fpm.conf /etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf
                                cp /DietPi/dietpi/conf/php-fpm_pool.conf /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
-                               sed -i '/cgi.fix_pathinfo=/c\cgi.fix_pathinfo=0' /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini
+                               sed -i '/cgi.fix_pathinfo=/c\cgi.fix_pathinfo=1' /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini

                                # - PHP5-fpm optimizations based on total cores
                                sed -i "/pm.max_children = /c\pm.max_children = $CPU_CORES_TOTAL" /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
rhkean commented 8 years ago

reran tests: image: DietPi_v109_RPi-(Jessie).img (md5: 862b9c4c2fa1dd3edcdfbcd2e5d6ac09 ) dietpi.txt (with diff above) dietpi-software (with diff above) RESULT: prompts for admin password

image: DietPi_v109_RPi-(Jessie).img (md5: 862b9c4c2fa1dd3edcdfbcd2e5d6ac09 ) dietpi.txt (with diff above) dietpi-software (with diff above + patch to AGI function) RESULT: all software installed + reboot and login to phpMyAdmin with u:phpmyadmin p:dietpi

Fourdee commented 8 years ago

@rhkean Thanks for the info.


Ah, so this is in regards to a lighttpd installation on the https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/205 ticket. I thought you were referring to the v109 live LAMP install. I changed the ticket description to prevent myself getting confused again :)

I'll take a look using your updated code.

Fourdee commented 8 years ago

@rhkean Excellent work on this :+1:

I'll mark this as closed, will leave https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/205 open for now whilst I do some testing.