MichaIng / DietPi

Lightweight justice for your single-board computer!
GNU General Public License v2.0
4.67k stars 492 forks source link

DietPi-Software | etherpad-lite #2342

Open msongz opened 5 years ago

msongz commented 5 years ago

Creating a software request:

Vote for it on FeatHub: https://feathub.com/MichaIng/DietPi/+23

Give us some formal software information:

What makes your requested software better than the above solutions, if available?

How can DietPi make the installation easier or compatible, than following the install instructions or do APT installation, if available?

Can you provide the installation steps that you would suggest DietPi-Software to do?

  1. ...

Are you willing to help maintaining the software installation, e.g. in case of needed setup changes due to updates etc.? This is not needed, but could speed up our decision to implement it, as man power is always a topic :wink:.

MichaIng commented 5 years ago

@msongz Thanks for your request. We'll have a look, when we can.

Atavic commented 5 years ago

Requirements preferred: nodejs >= 8.9

Actually it has no alternatives, except for a full LAMP Stack.

bdnugget commented 7 months ago
