MichaIng / DietPi

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RPi-Monitor as optional remote monitoring tool #238

Closed WolfganP closed 8 years ago

WolfganP commented 8 years ago

Based on this article http://www.cnx-software.com/2016/03/17/rpi-monitor-is-a-web-based-remote-monitor-for-arm-development-boards-such-as-raspberry-pi-and-orange-pi/ , I found this project (https://github.com/XavierBerger/RPi-Monitor) may be interesting for integration to DietPi (as Raspcontrol was removed due to lack of project maintenance)

Fourdee commented 8 years ago

@WolfganP Great find on this :+1: . Slick UI and great stats, love it.

Available in next release (v113) as a DietPi optimized installation for RPi (Jessie): untitled

WolfganP commented 8 years ago

Glad to help improving the distribution. Thanks for the quick integration!

k-plan commented 8 years ago


Available in next release (v113) as a DietPi optimized installation for RPi (Jessie):

Used it for long time on my RPis, it's a great piece of software. Can also run on oDroid C1 / C2 with some modifications in /etc/rpimonitor/template/ :

(edit: 2nd new picture) 160320-0007

:) Like it. And the Debian packaging is handy.

It's a pity, but XavierBerger is not working on it at the moment. (https://github.com/XavierBerger/RPi-Monitor/issues/143#issuecomment-177316826) http://rpi-experiences.blogspot.fr/

edit: If RPi only is in fokus, https://pi-control.de/ can also be a option. But he also come not to terms with his Version 2.0 (current: Pi Control 1.3.3) It's work on oDroid C1 / C2 too, but interface is only German (at the moment) 160319-0001

k-plan commented 8 years ago

@Fourdee notice, that you will integrate it in v.113. Verry nice. https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/blob/testing/dietpi/dietpi-software#L1826

Is there a reason, why you use rpimonitor_2.9.1-1_all.deb and not current rpimonitor_2.10-1_all.deb ?

https://github.com/XavierBerger/RPi-Monitor-deb/blob/master/debian/changelog http://rpi-experiences.blogspot.fr/2015/01/rpi-monitor-version-210-is-available.html

Fourdee commented 8 years ago

@k-plan Yep, I didnt see the 2.10 in the middle lol: https://github.com/XavierBerger/RPi-Monitor-deb/tree/master/packages

I'll update the install to 2.10. :+1: good spot.

k-plan commented 8 years ago

@Fourdee have playing around (quick and very dirty) with some lines in /etc/rpimonitor/template/... and it is really amazing on Odroid C1/C2. Not only on RPis as the name implies. Have updated the picture in posting above. We would be pleased to receive "DietPi-Monitor-for-oDroid" :smiley:

Fourdee commented 8 years ago


have playing around (quick and very dirty) with some lines in /etc/rpimonitor/template/... and it is really amazing on Odroid C1/C2. Not only on RPis as the name implies.

Very nice, love the DietPi version number in there :+1: :)

Fourdee commented 8 years ago

Note to self: Add usage details to dietpi.com/software

Fourdee commented 8 years ago


Available in v113

k-plan commented 8 years ago


Available in v113

For now, it is only for all the RPi? Is it possible, you missed to integrated RPi-Monitor in dietpi-software for Odroid C1/C2? Can`t find it after update to v113 on C1/ C2 .... :weary:


root@Odroid-C2:~# cat /DietPi/dietpi.txt

:flushed: ... but no big deal.

Fourdee commented 8 years ago

@k-plan Only available for RPi at the moment on DietPi.

I know you modified the code for Odroid c2, but did it work before your changes? If so I can test all devices with RPi monitor and enable them for next release.

If your modified code is required for non-rpi devices, we would need to apply your modified code to those installations and test the following devices:

VM x64


Yep, its in there for the RPi Wheezy image. Users are still downloading/install it.

Completely off-topic: I found this emote and couldn't resist :gb: :)

k-plan commented 8 years ago


... but did it work before your changes?

Yes run "out-of-the-box" on my C1+/C2

root@Odroid-C2:~#  wget https://github.com/XavierBerger/RPi-Monitor-deb/raw/master/packages/rpimonitor_2.10-1_all.deb

root@Odroid-C2:~#   dpkg -i rpimonitor_2.10-1_all.deb

root@Odroid-C2:~#  apt-get -f  install

et voilà - not perfect (Voltage, Firmware, only cpu0 in focus) but fundamental content:


With a little fine tuning in templates it can be handsome.

XU4 C1 C2 OrangePi VM x64

Sorry, only own a old iMac (late 2007), a few RPi and a CubieTruck. Don't believe, it's a great help. But I can send you the dirty hacked templates for C2, don't know, it's okay for XavierBerger,


Yep, its in there for the RPi Wheezy image. Users are still downloading/install it.

Yes, add up :+1: Wheezy is not on my focus for some time ... :de: :)

k-plan commented 8 years ago

Hi, RPi-Monitor: Version 2.11 Beta is ready for test: please read this before

root@Odroid-C1:~#  wget https://github.com/XavierBerger/RPi-Monitor-deb/blob/devel/repo/rpimonitor_2.11-beta7_all.deb

My Test result: rpi-mon-beta

Same new and really cool features and nice layout.

Fourdee commented 8 years ago

@k-plan Looks great :+1: , does this version support the Odroid straight off the bat? Or did you modify the code for this?

WolfganP commented 8 years ago

It would be wonderful if anyone with knowledge of RPi-Monitor plugins can add one for proper RasPi shutdown (so headless systems can be completely controlled via web browsers), and add it to DietPi packages.

k-plan commented 8 years ago


does this version support the Odroid straight off the bat? Or did you modify the code for this?

Yes, like before. Run out-of-the-box. No code modding, only copy my old Odroid templates, to get some more supported infos and 4 CPUs. But it's easy, otherwise I was not able to do it. You will doubtless do this better, as I ever will can.


It would be wonderful if anyone with knowledge of RPi-Monitor plugins can add one for proper RasPi shutdown (so headless systems can be completely controlled via web browsers),

Hmm, it's a problem with privilege of web services. There are no "plugins" in the broadest sense. But RPi Monitor will be able to start other programs, like Shell In A Box. So you will be able, to execute reboot or poweroff and more in your browser.



Oder, wenn du ein wenig :de: lesen kannst, wäre das oben angeführte Pi Control die einfachere (u. sichere) Alternative. OpenSSH u. einen Webserver mit PHP über dietpi-software installieren, dann den Rest wie auf der Seite erklärt. Installation ist sehr einfach:



Fehlt etwas, wird danach gefragt und erklärt, was man tuen soll: pic-install3

Bei der Installation muss man seinen root Account mit Passwort angeben:


Dann ist es auch möglich, Systemeinstellungen über das Webinterface zu ändern, das System zu rebooten oder auszuschalten. Ebenfalls mit der verfügbaren Android App.


Statistiken und Plugins gibt es auch:


:gb: edit: Reboot and Poweroff tested on both possible solutions. It works!

Support the Odroid straight off the bat (out-of-theBox!). Without any modding. :smile:


WolfganP commented 8 years ago

FYI, RPI_Monitor releases v2.11 into production https://github.com/XavierBerger/RPi-Monitor/releases/tag/v2.11

Fourdee commented 8 years ago

@WolfganP Thanks for letting us know.

DietPi v130 will install 2.11, although, it appears to break Rich's USB drive additions: https://github.com/Fourdee/DietPi/issues/410
