Michael-F-Bryan / include_dir

The logical evolution of the include_str macro for embedding a directory tree into your binary.
MIT License
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Support recursive extraction #60

Closed arctic-hen7 closed 2 years ago

arctic-hen7 commented 2 years ago

This fixes #59 by adding support for recursive extraction based on the temporary fix I wrote here. Until this has been merged, that should be sufficient for anyone else having this problem.

All I've done is change the directory extraction code to directly recurse over every subdirectory, which solves this issue easily. I've also updated the integration tests to have two helper function, validate_included (the old validate_directory) and validate_extracted (new), which explicitly ensures that all files have been extracted.

Let me know of any changes you'd like me to make!

Michael-F-Bryan commented 2 years ago

Looks good to me :+1:

Odonno commented 1 year ago

I don't know why but it seems that this feature has been reverted in the latest versions. Any idea when we can get it back?