MichaelAquilina / Some-2D-RPG

Tinkering with Game Development
MIT License
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Longsword slash animation cutoff #2

Closed behindcurtain3 closed 11 years ago

behindcurtain3 commented 11 years ago

I noticed the Slash_Left and Slash_Right animations on the longsword cut off the tip of the sword on the last frame. I wasn't sure where to go about fixing it, I assume in the anim file?

MichaelAquilina commented 11 years ago

Hi BehindCurtain3.

Yes i am aware of this issue. The error comes from the .anim files as you have correctly pointed out. I was not giving this a priority at the moment because i was planning on writing an animation editor in Qt soon that would remove the manual effort behind specifying frames by hand.

I also plan to replace the sword animation being used with a better one found in this collection.

Nice catch btw :)

behindcurtain3 commented 11 years ago

An animation editor would be really nice. I won't worry about the animation if it's going to be replaced.

MichaelAquilina commented 11 years ago

Ye i immediately noticed that it would beneficial to invest some time into making one because it was taking me too much time and work to create animations. Its on my to-do list, but there are some other things i need to get done before it.

behindcurtain3 commented 11 years ago

Hey here is a little app that lets you preview an animation by just dragging and dropping the sprite sheet.

Link: https://github.com/calhoun137/animator

I might be possible to extend this to output xml for a .anim file without writing your own from scratch.

MichaelAquilina commented 11 years ago

Hi Justin,

If you think you could manage to do this then you would do me a huge favour since there are a tonne of other things i need to do as well. It has come to the stage however where writing animations by hand seems to take up more time than it should.... so this would deffinatly help!

PS: I've been keeping an eye on your game and i like the progress you've made on creating a UI framework.... well done!

MichaelAquilina commented 11 years ago

I just realised i mis-read your post into thinking you said you might be able to do it yourself... sorry! I will take a look at it during some stage and see if it would be simple to extend and improve. Thanks!

behindcurtain3 commented 11 years ago

Hmm, I could actually do it myself. There is no reason not too :D Thanks for adding the drawable text also!

MichaelAquilina commented 11 years ago

No problem :) If there is anything else that you feel is needed within the engine let me know so ill plan some time to implement it (the chance is that if you need - i need it too).

MichaelAquilina commented 11 years ago

Hi, just thought id let you know that ill be away for the next week and a half on holiday so i wont be having much time working on this project in that period. I didnt want you to think the project suddenly died without reason. Good luck in the meanwhile!

behindcurtain3 commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the update, have a good holiday!

MichaelAquilina commented 11 years ago

Closing this issue since the longsword mentioned in this post was completely replaced by an improved spritesheet.

behindcurtain3 commented 11 years ago

The new animations look really good!

MichaelAquilina commented 11 years ago

Ye they're pretty neat. Got them from the LPC sprite sheet repository. Making the spritesheet files made me think of some improvements i could make to the xml structure being used to define animations so hopefully in the future it should be even easier to add new stuff.