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[BUGZILLA #1011] R-intro suggestions part II #1022

Open MichaelChirico opened 4 years ago

MichaelChirico commented 4 years ago

From: "Paul E. Johnson" <pauljohn@<::CENSORED -- SEE ORIGINAL ON BUGZILLA::>> Brian Ripley said that, if I sent these here, they might find their way to the R-intro team. So, here is another installment:

Concerning this section:

Data permanency and removing objects.

This is the first place R-intro discusses objects. I was thinking a better discussion of objects and syntax is needed, perhaps here, or in the later section "Objects, their modes and attributes." I suggest this:

The fact that R is an object-oriented approach to programming for statistical analysis has pervasive implications. If one has studied a programming language like Java or C++, the notions of object and method are not new. For readers who have not studied languages like that, perhaps we can offer a brief explanation. An object is a "self contained data holder" that can follow instructions (do calculations, provide values). One intention of this design is to keep things separate if they belong that way, to reduce the risk that one calculation accidentally influences the result of another. Object-orientation also has important implications for the way the different parts of a program fit together. Since an object is supposed to be able to carry out a certain set of actions (which are called methods, but in R one often says "functions" or "procedures"), then both the user and the programmer understand what the object can be expected to do. There are numerous implications of object orientation that come into play "under the hood" of the R statistical engine, but it is not important to delve into them from a user's point of view.

There is one wrinkle about the syntax of R that we hasten to emphasize. In object-oriented computer languages, syntax typically puts the object first, followed by the instruction, followed any needed parameters. In Java, to tell the object "regression" to calculate estimates for vectors y and x, one would write something like:


Assuming that object's class has an "estimate" method which knows how to handle the input, we would be in business.

In R, the syntax is totally different. Instead of thinking of the object itself as the primary thing, the syntax in R is designed to use the method name--the instruction--as the leading concept, and then the object that is being acted upon is given as a parameter.

When a model gives a result in R, the result is almost invariably an object, which can then be "poked and prodded" with other methods. If a linear regression is calculated, for example:

resultObject <- lm(∼x)

the return value is an object. But, unlike other object-oriented languages, in R one would write summary(resultObject), or coefficients(resultObject), rather than the Java style result_object.summary() or some such thing, in order to investigate the result.

Paul E. Johnson Political Science University of Kansas


MichaelChirico commented 4 years ago

Audit (from Jitterbug): Fri Aug 3 11:30:05 2001 ripley moved from incoming to Documentation