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[BUGZILLA #2160] possible memory leak in 1.6 #1529

Closed MichaelChirico closed 4 years ago

MichaelChirico commented 4 years ago

From: socher@<::CENSORED -- SEE ORIGINAL ON BUGZILLA::>-muenchen.de Full_Name: Anne-Laure Boulesteix Version: 1.6.0 OS: Linux Submission from: (NULL) (


I noticed the following problem with 1.6.0 (which was not present in 1.5.1):

I work with very large datasets and encountered a problem with memory allocation, (probably a memory leak). I wrote a programm with a loop. In this loop in each iteration I create a very large matrix and assign it to a variable which is the SAME for all the iterations. So at each round the new matrix overwrites the old matrix. In 1.5.1 the garbage collector seems to clean up the old unused memory. Unfortunately, in 1.6.0 with each round the memory used by R increases until the R process is killed.

Is there any way around this?

Many thanks and best regards,

A.L. Boulesteix


MichaelChirico commented 4 years ago

From: Peter Dalgaard BSA <p.dalgaard@<::CENSORED -- SEE ORIGINAL ON BUGZILLA::>> socher@<::CENSORED -- SEE ORIGINAL ON BUGZILLA::>-muenchen.de writes:

Full_Name: Anne-Laure Boulesteix
Version: 1.6.0
OS: Linux
Submission from: (NULL) (


I noticed the following problem with 1.6.0 (which was not present in 1.5.1): 

I work with very large datasets and encountered a problem with memory
(probably a memory leak).  I wrote a programm with a loop.  In this loop in
iteration I create a  very large matrix and assign it to a variable which
is the SAME for all the iterations.  So at each round the new matrix
the old  matrix.  In 1.5.1  the garbage collector seems to clean up the old
unused memory.  Unfortunately, in 1.6.0 with each round the memory used by R
increases until the R process is killed. 

Is there any way around this?

Example code that would allow someone to reproduce and hunt down the problem would help. This could be the same issue that Achim Zeileis reported a few days ago. In that case the current source snapshots may have it fixed.

Please be specific when you report problems. A broad outline of your program is not sufficient to let us guess where the problem lies. We could write a minimal loop which fits your description, but so could you, and you're much closer to telling whether it is actually displaying the same problem.

-- O_ ---- Peter Dalgaard Blegdamsvej 3
c/ /'
--- Dept. of Biostatistics 2200 Cph. N


MichaelChirico commented 4 years ago

From: Thomas Lumley <tlumley@<::CENSORED -- SEE ORIGINAL ON BUGZILLA::>> On Mon, 14 Oct 2002 socher@<::CENSORED -- SEE ORIGINAL ON BUGZILLA::>-muenchen.de wrote:


I noticed the following problem with 1.6.0 (which was not present in 1.5.1):

I work with very large datasets and encountered a problem with memory
(probably a memory leak).  I wrote a programm with a loop.  In this loop in
iteration I create a  very large matrix and assign it to a variable which
is the SAME for all the iterations.  So at each round the new matrix
the old  matrix.  In 1.5.1  the garbage collector seems to clean up the old
unused memory.  Unfortunately, in 1.6.0 with each round the memory used by R
increases until the R process is killed.

Yes, it's a bug (though it isn't the matrix that leaks). It's probably been fixed.

You could download the current `patched' version and try that.


Thomas Lumley Asst. Professor, Biostatistics tlumley@<::CENSORED -- SEE ORIGINAL ON BUGZILLA::> University of Washington, Seattle


MichaelChirico commented 4 years ago

Audit (from Jitterbug): Sun Oct 20 23:42:21 2002 thomas moved from incoming to Low-level-fixed