Open MichaelChirico opened 4 years ago
FWIW, inspecting the object 'gi' here within the call to R()
constrOptim <- function(theta, f, grad, ui, ci, mu = 0.0001, control = list(), method = if(is.null(grad)) "Nelder-Mead" else "BFGS", outer.iterations = 100, outer.eps = 0.00001, ..., hessian = FALSE) {
if (!is.null(control$fnscale) && control$fnscale < 0)
mu <- -mu ##maximizing
R <- function(theta, theta.old, ...) {
ui.theta <- ui%*%theta
gi <- ui.theta-ci
if (any(gi<0)) return(NaN)
reveals that the third element of 'gi' is ever so slightly less than 0, resulting in the return value of NaN and hence the error condition.
Browse[1]> gi [,1] [1,] 9.537698e-01 [2,] 4.622716e-02 [3,] -5.551115e-16
thanks for this Benjamin, it is a great relief to see that others can reproduce this! But my understanding is that variable gi
can become negative in the usual course of evaluation of constrOptim(), this just flags that theta violates a constraint. Indeed if you print it out for my problem it attains a value of about -5.66 on the some iterations.
But, as far as I can tell from dput() statements, function objective() is never evaluted outside the constraints.... there must be some bad weirdness somewhere.
Best wishes, Robin
Created attachment 2532 [details] patch for stats::constrOptim
Here is a patch for constrOptim which will warn if the augmented objective comes back as non-finite, and will also detect and warn if the par returned from optim is outside of the feasible region. While the first warning is perhaps too heavy-handed, the second warning is not, as on the next iteration through optim there will surely be an error.
(In reply to Robin Hankin from comment #2)
thanks for this Benjamin, it is a great relief to see that others can
reproduce this! But my understanding is that variable `gi` can become
negative in the usual course of evaluation of constrOptim(), this just flags
that theta violates a constraint. Indeed if you print it out for my
problem it attains a value of about -5.66 on the some iterations.
But, as far as I can tell from dput() statements, function objective() is
never evaluted outside the constraints.... there must be some bad weirdness
Best wishes, Robin
Under the patch I just uploaded, here is what the output would look like instead:
thanks for this, I have been studying the patch and my results match yours.
Rather than "optim is going to fail on the next iteration!" could the report be "optim() will be called outside the constraints specified by ui and ci"?
One reason I specified small=1e-6 was to define a "buffer" region so that the function would be defined on the constraint itself and indeed slightly beyond it. So what is baffling me is how the tiny exceedance of about 5e-16 that Benjamin reports can possibly lead to objective() being infinite.
(In reply to Robin Hankin from comment #5)
thanks for this, I have been studying the patch and my results match yours.
Rather than "optim is going to fail on the next iteration!" could the report
be "optim() will be called outside the constraints specified by ui and ci"?
One reason I specified small=1e-6 was to define a "buffer" region so that
the function would be defined on the constraint itself and indeed slightly
beyond it. So what is baffling me is how the tiny exceedance of about
5e-16 that Benjamin reports can possibly lead to objective() being infinite.
It's because the augmented objective R defined inside constrOptim tries to compute log(gi), resulting in a non-finite 'bar' hence Inf is added to your objective.
R <- function (theta, theta.old, ...) { ui.theta <- ui %% theta gi <- ui.theta - ci if (any(gi < 0)) { return(NaN) } else { print("okay") } gi.old <- ui %% theta.old - ci bar <- sum(gi.old log(gi) - ui.theta) if (!is.finite(bar)) bar <- -Inf objective(theta, ...) - mu bar }
I had not appreciated that NA and indeed NaN are not finite:
I'm having difficulty following the intended structure of R(). If any(gi)<0 then function R() exits with I can't see how control possibly reaches
bar <- sum(gi.old*log(gi)-ui.theta)
which (I think) invalidates my suggested fix
bar <- sum(gi.old*log(abs(gi))-ui.theta)
(In reply to Robin Hankin from comment #7)
I'm having difficulty following the intended structure of R(). If any(gi)<0
then function R() exits with I can't see how control possibly
bar <- sum(gi.old*log(gi)-ui.theta)
To clarify: indeed it returns early with NaN, since at that point there's no need to actually perform additional arithmetic. (This also avoids the warning associated with taking log of a negative number). But regardless, the bottom line is, optim doesn't allow a non-finite objective on the initial evaluation.
OK, so optim() can't deal with a initial point that has non-finite objective function. Here, R() returns NaN because theta is outside its constraints by about 1e-16. Is there an easy fix?
Created attachment 2535 [details] direct demonstration of the optim condition (without using contrOptim)
The attached demonstrates a return value coming from optim which does not satisfy the constraints.
(In reply to Robin Hankin from comment #9)
OK, so optim() can't deal with a initial point that has non-finite objective
function. Here, R() returns NaN because theta is outside its constraints by
about 1e-16. Is there an easy fix?
See the attachment I uploaded with comment #9, which demonstrates a condition where optim's return is:
$par [1] 0.95377084 0.04622816
$value [1] NaN
$counts function gradient 32 1
$convergence [1] 0
$message NULL
...despite the initial fun(theta.old) being finite.
My sense is the next logical step would be to determine whether this constitutes a bug in optim itself.
Sorry, I missed your attachment, which gives me results identical to yours.
Arguably, optim() is behaving as documented:
Function ‘fn’ can return ‘NA’ or ‘Inf’ if the function cannot be
evaluated at the supplied value, but the initial value must have a
computable finite value of ‘fn’. (Except for method ‘"L-BFGS-B"’
where the values should always be finite.)
But this kind of implies that returning NA away from the initial value does not prejudice returning the initial value, and to be fair:
f <- function(x){if(all(x==0)){return(2)}else{return(NA)}}
$par [1] 0 0
$value [1] 2
$counts function gradient 501 NA
$convergence [1] 1
$message NULL
So at the very least optim() is behaving inconsistently in this regard, but whether it is desirable is unclear to me.
(In reply to Robin Hankin from comment #12)
But this kind of implies that returning NA away from the initial value does
not prejudice returning the initial value, and to be fair:
> f <- function(x){if(all(x==0)){return(2)}else{return(NA)}}
> optim(c(0,0),f)
Strictly speaking, for that to be even remotely comparable to the code path used in your original example, need to add method = "BFGS" and a gradient function e.g.
optim(c(0,0),f, gr = function(x) c(0,0), method="BFGS")
but regardless, I agree with your point. The underlying source code used is here:
This problem breaks at least two of the vignettes in the hyper2 package, which means that I cannot upload a much-needed update to CRAN. Can anyone advise?
Not sure why I missed this but:
documents the same behaviour back in 2012, using R-2.15.0
Robin Hankin: When you say "breaks" the vignettes are you saying they formerly worked and stopped? Or that they don't work and you expected them to?
(In reply to elin.waring from comment #16)
Robin Hankin: When you say "breaks" the vignettes are you saying they
formerly worked and stopped? Or that they don't work and you expected them
Hello elin. All the vignettes used to work (that is, they passed winbuilder's checks with no problem) and then the error started to occur.
So just trying to trace when it stopped working in your vignettes, did the breakage happen after moving to R 3.6.2 from an earlier version?
(In reply to elin.waring from comment #18)
So just trying to trace when it stopped working in your vignettes, did the
breakage happen after moving to R 3.6.2 from an earlier version?
I have had the problem intermittently, and apparently randomly, for a long time. I never got round to filing a proper report until now, as my optimizations worked almost every time, and I could not reproduce the error. Comment #12 would suggest that the problem is not new to R-3.6.2. Best wishes, Robin
Created attachment 2530 [details] Near-minimal working example.
Function constrOptim() sometimes fails for a well-specified optimization. I include a near-minimal self-contained working example that exhibits the problem on R3.6.2, svn 77560, macosx 10.14.6 and also R-3.6.2 on Windows and linux. The problem does not occur for R-3.5.1 on windows. Distinct issue from #3325.
My optimization problem is well-defined and has its optimal point at a constraint corner; the gradient of the optimal function is high there.
The error message is difficult to activate and occurs only rarely: slight changes in the startp argument can either activate or suppress the error.
I tried to "capture" a value of startp that exhibits the error and use that but to my confusion this strategy does not appear to work: doing so results in perfectly working optimization [not strictly true; see notes below].
## R CODE STARTS [also see bug.R] set.seed(0)
for(i in 1:100){ print(i)
startp <- c(1/3,1/3) + rnorm(2)*1e-6 cat(paste("startp = c(",paste(startp,collapse=","),")\n"))
<- function(p){ out <- -log(p[1] + p[2]) + log(p[2]) + log(1 - p[1] - p[2]) ## following line for debugging [not needed to reproduce error] cat(paste("objective(c(",paste(p,collapse=","),") =",out,"\n")) return(out) }gradfun
<- function(p){ out <- c( -1/(p[1] + p[2]) - 1/(1 - p[1] - p[2]), -1/(p[1] + p[2]) + 1/p[2] - 1/(1 - p[1] - p[2]) ) ## following line for debugging [not needed to reproduce error] cat(paste("gradfun(c(",paste(p,collapse=","),") = c(",paste(out,collapse=","),")\n")) return(out) }small <- 1e-6 CI <- c(small,small,small-1)
UI <- rbind( c( 1, 0), # p1>small c( 0, 1), # p2>small c(-1,-1) # p1+p2 < 1-small )
out <- constrOptim( theta = startp, f = objective, grad = gradfun, ui = UI, ci = CI )
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$platform [1] "x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0"
$arch [1] "x86_64"
$os [1] "darwin15.6.0"
$system [1] "x86_64, darwin15.6.0"
$status [1] ""
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$minor [1] "6.2"
$year [1] "2019"
$month [1] "12"
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svn rev
[1] "77560"$language [1] "R"
$version.string [1] "R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12)"
$nickname [1] "Dark and Stormy Night"
+ print(i)
+ startp <- c(1/3,1/3) + rnorm(2)*1e-6 + cat(paste("startp = c(",paste(startp,collapse=","),")\n")) + + + `ob .... [TRUNCATED] [1] 1 startp = c( 0.333334596287618,0.333333007099973 ) objective(c( 0.333334596287618,0.333333007099973 ) = -1.79176466317574 objective(c( 0.333334596287618,0.333333007099973 ) = -1.79176466317574 objective(c( 0.333334596287618,0.333333007099973 ) = -1.79176466317574 gradfun(c( 0.333334596287618,0.333333007099973 ) = c( -4.50000632289289,-1.50000338678977 ) objective(c( 0.513334849203334,0.393333142571563 ) = -3.20671155050333 gradfun(c( 0.513334849203334,0.393333142571563 ) = c( -11.817377397968,-9.27500328359227 )
objective(c( 0.953770837623601,0.0462281623763981 ) = -16.8896756485489 gradfun(c( 0.953770837623601,0.0462281623763981 ) = c( -1000000.99922284,-999979.36738743 ) objective(c( 0.953770837623601,0.0462281623763983 ) = -16.889675648986 objective(c( 0.953770837623601,0.0462281623763983 ) = -16.889675648986 gradfun(c( 0.953770837623601,0.0462281623763983 ) = c( -1000000.99965999,-999979.367824581 ) objective(c( 0.953770837623602,0.0462281623763985 ) = -16.8896756494232 Error in optim(theta.old, fun, gradient, control = control, method = method, : initial value in 'vmmin' is not finite
[1] 1
Note the "for(i in 1:1000){...}" loop. I originally thought that I could find a value of startp that triggers the error and use that, but this strategy does not trigger the error. The error occurs when I use the for() loop and (AFAICS) not otherwise. I know this is weird...
The derivative of objective() is gradfun():
[1] -0.0002005003
[1] -0.0002005002