MichaelFan01 / STDC-Seg

Source Code of our CVPR2021 paper "Rethinking BiSeNet For Real-time Semantic Segmentation"
MIT License
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How can I train with single GPU ? #87

Open CCodie opened 2 years ago

CCodie commented 2 years ago

Hello, thank you for sharing the awesome code.

I'm using CUDA 11.1, PyTorch 1.8.0 with my single GPU(RTX 3090) and I have tested that evaluation and latency code are working well under my environment.

But I encounter the error when I try to train the model.

Training command

(I have changed '--nproc_per_node=3' to '--nproc_per_node=1')

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=1 train.py \
--respath checkpoints/train_STDC2-Seg/ \
--backbone STDCNet1446 \
--mode train \
--n_workers_train 12 \
--n_workers_val 1 \
--max_iter 60000 \
--use_boundary_8 True \
--pretrain_path checkpoints/STDCNet1446_76.47.tar


  File "/home/user/conda_ws/stdc_seg/STDC-Seg/modules/bn.py", line 119, in forward
    self.training, self.momentum, self.eps, self.activation, self.slope)
RuntimeError: Some elements marked as dirty during the forward method were not returned as output. The inputs that are modified inplace must all be outputs of the Function.
Killing subprocess 574756

I wonder if I can I train with my single GPU.

Thanks !

Mask0913 commented 2 years ago

I modified some code of train.py, which can run on a single GPU(my GPU is RTX3070).Except modify train.py, you need modify model/model_stage.py : batchnorm2d (out_chan) modify to nn.BatchNorm2d(out_chan)


# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from logger import setup_logger
from models.model_stages import BiSeNet
from cityscapes import CityScapes
from loss.loss import OhemCELoss
from loss.detail_loss import DetailAggregateLoss
from evaluation import MscEvalV0
from optimizer_loss import Optimizer

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.distributed as dist

import os
import os.path as osp
import logging
import time
import datetime
import argparse

logger = logging.getLogger()

def str2bool(v):
    if v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'):
        return True
    elif v.lower() in ('no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'):
        return False
        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Unsupported value encountered.')

def parse_args():
    parse = argparse.ArgumentParser()
            dest = 'local_rank',
            type = int,
            default = 0,
            dest = 'n_workers_train',
            type = int,
            default = 4,
            dest = 'n_workers_val',
            type = int,
            default = 1,
            dest = 'n_img_per_gpu',
            type = int,
            default = 4,
            dest = 'max_iter',
            type = int,
            default = 40000,
            dest = 'save_iter_sep',
            type = int,
            default = 1000,
            dest = 'warmup_steps',
            type = int,
            default = 1000,
            dest = 'mode',
            type = str,
            default = 'train',
            dest = 'ckpt',
            type = str,
            default = None,
            dest = 'respath',
            type = str,
            default = 'checkpoints/train_STDC1-Seg/',
            dest = 'backbone',
            type = str,
            default = 'STDCNet813',
            dest = 'pretrain_path',
            type = str,
            default = 'checkpoints/STDCNet813M_73.91.tar',
            dest = 'use_conv_last',
            type = str2bool,
            default = False,
            dest = 'use_boundary_2',
            type = str2bool,
            default = False,
            dest = 'use_boundary_4',
            type = str2bool,
            default = False,
            dest = 'use_boundary_8',
            type = str2bool,
            default = True,
            dest = 'use_boundary_16',
            type = str2bool,
            default = False,
    return parse.parse_args()

def train():
    args = parse_args()

    save_pth_path = os.path.join(args.respath, 'pths')
    dspth = 'E:\cityscapes_dataset'

    # print(save_pth_path)
    # print(osp.exists(save_pth_path))
    # if not osp.exists(save_pth_path) and dist.get_rank()==0: 
    if not osp.exists(save_pth_path):

    # dist.init_process_group(
    #             backend = 'nccl',
    #             init_method = 'tcp://',
    #             world_size = torch.cuda.device_count(),
    #             rank=args.local_rank
    #             )

    ## dataset
    n_classes = 19
    n_img_per_gpu = args.n_img_per_gpu
    n_workers_train = args.n_workers_train
    n_workers_val = args.n_workers_val
    use_boundary_16 = args.use_boundary_16
    use_boundary_8 = args.use_boundary_8
    use_boundary_4 = args.use_boundary_4
    use_boundary_2 = args.use_boundary_2

    mode = args.mode
    cropsize = [1024, 512]
    randomscale = (0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875, 1.0, 1.125, 1.25, 1.375, 1.5)

    #if dist.get_rank()==0:
    logger.info('n_workers_train: {}'.format(n_workers_train))
    logger.info('n_workers_val: {}'.format(n_workers_val))
    logger.info('use_boundary_2: {}'.format(use_boundary_2))
    logger.info('use_boundary_4: {}'.format(use_boundary_4))
    logger.info('use_boundary_8: {}'.format(use_boundary_8))
    logger.info('use_boundary_16: {}'.format(use_boundary_16))
    logger.info('mode: {}'.format(args.mode))

    ds = CityScapes(dspth, cropsize=cropsize, mode=mode, randomscale=randomscale)
    # sampler = torch.utils.data.distributed.DistributedSampler(ds)
    dl = DataLoader(ds,
                    batch_size = n_img_per_gpu,
                    shuffle = False,
                    # sampler = sampler,
                    num_workers = n_workers_train,
                    pin_memory = False,
                    drop_last = True)
    # exit(0)
    dsval = CityScapes(dspth, mode='val', randomscale=randomscale)
    # sampler_val = torch.utils.data.distributed.DistributedSampler(dsval)
    dlval = DataLoader(dsval,
                    batch_size = 2,
                    shuffle = False,
                    # sampler = sampler_val,
                    num_workers = n_workers_val,
                    drop_last = False)

    ## model
    ignore_idx = 255
    net = BiSeNet(backbone=args.backbone, n_classes=n_classes, pretrain_model=args.pretrain_path, 
    use_boundary_2=use_boundary_2, use_boundary_4=use_boundary_4, use_boundary_8=use_boundary_8, 
    use_boundary_16=use_boundary_16, use_conv_last=args.use_conv_last)

    if not args.ckpt is None:
        net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.ckpt, map_location='cpu'))
    # net = nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(net,
    #         device_ids = [args.local_rank, ],
    #         output_device = args.local_rank,
    #         find_unused_parameters=True
    #         )

    score_thres = 0.7
    n_min = n_img_per_gpu*cropsize[0]*cropsize[1]//16
    # CE loss
    criteria_p = OhemCELoss(thresh=score_thres, n_min=n_min, ignore_lb=ignore_idx)
    criteria_16 = OhemCELoss(thresh=score_thres, n_min=n_min, ignore_lb=ignore_idx)
    criteria_32 = OhemCELoss(thresh=score_thres, n_min=n_min, ignore_lb=ignore_idx)
    # Detail loss
    boundary_loss_func = DetailAggregateLoss()
    # the STDC Architecture is over.

    ## optimizer
    maxmIOU50 = 0.
    maxmIOU75 = 0.
    momentum = 0.9
    weight_decay = 5e-4
    lr_start = 1e-2
    max_iter = args.max_iter
    save_iter_sep = args.save_iter_sep
    power = 0.9
    warmup_steps = args.warmup_steps
    warmup_start_lr = 1e-5

    # if dist.get_rank()==0:
    print('max_iter: ', max_iter)
    print('save_iter_sep: ', save_iter_sep)
    print('warmup_steps: ', warmup_steps)

    optim = Optimizer(
            model = net,
            loss = boundary_loss_func,
            lr0 = lr_start,
            momentum = momentum,
            wd = weight_decay,
            warmup_steps = warmup_steps,
            warmup_start_lr = warmup_start_lr,
            max_iter = max_iter,
            power = power)

    ## train loop
    msg_iter = 50
    loss_avg = []
    loss_boundery_bce = []
    loss_boundery_dice = []
    st = glob_st = time.time()
    diter = iter(dl)
    epoch = 0
    for it in range(max_iter):
            im, lb = next(diter)
        except StopIteration:
            epoch += 1
            diter = iter(dl)
            im, lb = next(diter)
        im = im.cuda()
        lb = lb.cuda()
        H, W = im.size()[2:]
        lb = torch.squeeze(lb, 1)


        if use_boundary_2 and use_boundary_4 and use_boundary_8:
            out, out16, out32, detail2, detail4, detail8 = net(im)

        if (not use_boundary_2) and use_boundary_4 and use_boundary_8:
            out, out16, out32, detail4, detail8 = net(im)

        if (not use_boundary_2) and (not use_boundary_4) and use_boundary_8:
            out, out16, out32, detail8 = net(im)

        if (not use_boundary_2) and (not use_boundary_4) and (not use_boundary_8):
            out, out16, out32 = net(im)

        lossp = criteria_p(out, lb)
        loss2 = criteria_16(out16, lb)
        loss3 = criteria_32(out32, lb)

        boundery_bce_loss = 0.
        boundery_dice_loss = 0.

        if use_boundary_2: 
            # if dist.get_rank()==0:
            #     print('use_boundary_2')
            boundery_bce_loss2,  boundery_dice_loss2 = boundary_loss_func(detail2, lb)
            boundery_bce_loss += boundery_bce_loss2
            boundery_dice_loss += boundery_dice_loss2

        if use_boundary_4:
            # if dist.get_rank()==0:
            #     print('use_boundary_4')
            boundery_bce_loss4,  boundery_dice_loss4 = boundary_loss_func(detail4, lb)
            boundery_bce_loss += boundery_bce_loss4
            boundery_dice_loss += boundery_dice_loss4

        if use_boundary_8:
            # if dist.get_rank()==0:
            #     print('use_boundary_8')
            boundery_bce_loss8,  boundery_dice_loss8 = boundary_loss_func(detail8, lb)
            boundery_bce_loss += boundery_bce_loss8
            boundery_dice_loss += boundery_dice_loss8

        # compute the all loss and backward.
        loss = lossp + loss2 + loss3 + boundery_bce_loss + boundery_dice_loss

        # the train one step is over.


        ## print training log message
        if (it+1)%msg_iter==0:
            loss_avg = sum(loss_avg) / len(loss_avg)
            lr = optim.lr
            ed = time.time()
            t_intv, glob_t_intv = ed - st, ed - glob_st
            eta = int((max_iter - it) * (glob_t_intv / it))
            eta = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=eta))

            loss_boundery_bce_avg = sum(loss_boundery_bce) / len(loss_boundery_bce)
            loss_boundery_dice_avg = sum(loss_boundery_dice) / len(loss_boundery_dice)
            msg = ', '.join([
                'it: {it}/{max_it}',
                'lr: {lr:4f}',
                'loss: {loss:.4f}',
                'boundery_bce_loss: {boundery_bce_loss:.4f}',
                'boundery_dice_loss: {boundery_dice_loss:.4f}',
                'eta: {eta}',
                'time: {time:.4f}',
                it = it+1,
                max_it = max_iter,
                lr = lr,
                loss = loss_avg,
                boundery_bce_loss = loss_boundery_bce_avg,
                boundery_dice_loss = loss_boundery_dice_avg,
                time = t_intv,
                eta = eta

            loss_avg = []
            loss_boundery_bce = []
            loss_boundery_dice = []
            st = ed
            # print(boundary_loss_func.get_params())
        if (it+1)%save_iter_sep==0:# and it != 0:

            ## model
            logger.info('evaluating the model ...')
            logger.info('setup and restore model')


            # ## evaluator
            logger.info('compute the mIOU')
            with torch.no_grad():
                single_scale1 = MscEvalV0()
                mIOU50 = single_scale1(net, dlval, n_classes)

                single_scale2= MscEvalV0(scale=0.75)
                mIOU75 = single_scale2(net, dlval, n_classes)

            save_pth = osp.join(save_pth_path, 'model_iter{}_mIOU50_{}_mIOU75_{}.pth'
            .format(it+1, str(round(mIOU50,4)), str(round(mIOU75,4))))

            state = net.module.state_dict() if hasattr(net, 'module') else net.state_dict()
            #if dist.get_rank()==0: 
            torch.save(state, save_pth)

            logger.info('training iteration {}, model saved to: {}'.format(it+1, save_pth))

            if mIOU50 > maxmIOU50:
                maxmIOU50 = mIOU50
                save_pth = osp.join(save_pth_path, 'model_maxmIOU50.pth'.format(it+1))
                state = net.module.state_dict() if hasattr(net, 'module') else net.state_dict()
                #if dist.get_rank()==0: 
                torch.save(state, save_pth)

                logger.info('max mIOU model saved to: {}'.format(save_pth))

            if mIOU75 > maxmIOU75:
                maxmIOU75 = mIOU75
                save_pth = osp.join(save_pth_path, 'model_maxmIOU75.pth'.format(it+1))
                state = net.module.state_dict() if hasattr(net, 'module') else net.state_dict()
                #if dist.get_rank()==0: 
                torch.save(state, save_pth)
                logger.info('max mIOU model saved to: {}'.format(save_pth))

            logger.info('mIOU50 is: {}, mIOU75 is: {}'.format(mIOU50, mIOU75))
            logger.info('maxmIOU50 is: {}, maxmIOU75 is: {}.'.format(maxmIOU50, maxmIOU75))


    ## dump the final model
    save_pth = osp.join(save_pth_path, 'model_final.pth')
    state = net.module.state_dict() if hasattr(net, 'module') else net.state_dict()
    #if dist.get_rank()==0: 
    torch.save(state, save_pth)
    logger.info('training done, model saved to: {}'.format(save_pth))
    print('epoch: ', epoch)

if __name__ == "__main__":
JianmingLi-888 commented 1 year ago

actuallay I just delete one line in train.py from dist.init_process_group( backend = 'nccl', init_method = 'tcp://', world_size = torch.cuda.device_count(), rank=args.local_rank ) to dist.init_process_group( backend = 'nccl', world_size = torch.cuda.device_count(), rank=args.local_rank ) than I can ran on single GPU

Hello, thank you for sharing the awesome code.

I'm using CUDA 11.1, PyTorch 1.8.0 with my single GPU(RTX 3090) and I have tested that evaluation and latency code are working well under my environment.

But I encounter the error when I try to train the model.

Training command

(I have changed '--nproc_per_node=3' to '--nproc_per_node=1')

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=1 train.py \
--respath checkpoints/train_STDC2-Seg/ \
--backbone STDCNet1446 \
--mode train \
--n_workers_train 12 \
--n_workers_val 1 \
--max_iter 60000 \
--use_boundary_8 True \
--pretrain_path checkpoints/STDCNet1446_76.47.tar


  File "/home/user/conda_ws/stdc_seg/STDC-Seg/modules/bn.py", line 119, in forward
    self.training, self.momentum, self.eps, self.activation, self.slope)
RuntimeError: Some elements marked as dirty during the forward method were not returned as output. The inputs that are modified inplace must all be outputs of the Function.
Killing subprocess 574756

I wonder if I can I train with my single GPU.

Thanks !

Mantee0810 commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you for sharing the awesome code.

I'm using CUDA 11.1, PyTorch 1.8.0 with my single GPU(RTX 3090) and I have tested that evaluation and latency code are working well under my environment.

But I encounter the error when I try to train the model.

Training command

(I have changed '--nproc_per_node=3' to '--nproc_per_node=1')

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=1 train.py \
--respath checkpoints/train_STDC2-Seg/ \
--backbone STDCNet1446 \
--mode train \
--n_workers_train 12 \
--n_workers_val 1 \
--max_iter 60000 \
--use_boundary_8 True \
--pretrain_path checkpoints/STDCNet1446_76.47.tar


  File "/home/user/conda_ws/stdc_seg/STDC-Seg/modules/bn.py", line 119, in forward
    self.training, self.momentum, self.eps, self.activation, self.slope)
RuntimeError: Some elements marked as dirty during the forward method were not returned as output. The inputs that are modified inplace must all be outputs of the Function.
Killing subprocess 574756

I wonder if I can I train with my single GPU.

Thanks !

I want to know what is your CUDA version,I use python3.7 pytorch1.8.1 CUDA11.3 with my 3090,too but it turns out bugs like NOT CUDA 9.0 i want to set requirements as yours

thank you!!!

JianmingLi-888 commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you for sharing the awesome code. I'm using CUDA 11.1, PyTorch 1.8.0 with my single GPU(RTX 3090) and I have tested that evaluation and latency code are working well under my environment. But I encounter the error when I try to train the model.

Training command

(I have changed '--nproc_per_node=3' to '--nproc_per_node=1')

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=1 train.py \
--respath checkpoints/train_STDC2-Seg/ \
--backbone STDCNet1446 \
--mode train \
--n_workers_train 12 \
--n_workers_val 1 \
--max_iter 60000 \
--use_boundary_8 True \
--pretrain_path checkpoints/STDCNet1446_76.47.tar


  File "/home/user/conda_ws/stdc_seg/STDC-Seg/modules/bn.py", line 119, in forward
    self.training, self.momentum, self.eps, self.activation, self.slope)
RuntimeError: Some elements marked as dirty during the forward method were not returned as output. The inputs that are modified inplace must all be outputs of the Function.
Killing subprocess 574756

I wonder if I can I train with my single GPU. Thanks !

I want to know what is your CUDA version,I use python3.7 pytorch1.8.1 CUDA11.3 with my 3090,too but it turns out bugs like NOT CUDA 9.0 i want to set requirements as yours

thank you!!!

Maybe I have encountered a similar problem like this. See the head of models/model_stages.py, the author uses a InPlaceABNSync function which needs some special libs to support it. Seems it's a more effective batch normalization function but I think it's too messy to install those libs to support it. So FIRST, I just change the from modules.bn import InPlaceABNSync as BatchNorm2d to the default pytorch batch normalization function

import torch.nn as nn
BatchNorm2d = nn.BatchNorm2d

SECOND, change the bn function in __init__()method of Class ConvBNReLU and Class AttentionRefinementModule, also in models/model_stages.py (just search "BatchNorm2d"), from self.bn_atten = BatchNorm2d(out_chan, activation='none') to self.bn_atten = BatchNorm2d(out_chan) Then it works well when I train it on my computer (no matter single-GPU or multi-GPU).

By the way, my environment is: python 3.10.4 pytorch 1.13.0 CUDA 11.7 GPU 1080Ti