MichaelFenwick / Color

A simple Dart package exposing a Color class which can be used to create, convert, and compare colors.
MIT License
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Migrating to null safety #27

Closed shinayser closed 3 years ago

shinayser commented 3 years ago

Migrating the library to null safety.

Arcturus5404 commented 3 years ago

Please merge this PR and publish to pub.dev!

MichaelFenwick commented 3 years ago

Thanks so much for the PR. Alongside the update to null safety, I noticed you also decided to take some time to update the project to more current code style conventions (a lack of the new keyword, removing constructor argument type hints, etc.). I'd rather these changes be separate, and also wanted to get the project fully converted to the pedantic code style. I've already done the code style changes, and am now working on the null aware changes, after which (probably later tonight) I'll publish the new version to pub.dev. As I'm making these changes, I've been using your PR as a guide, so thanks again for this submission!

shinayser commented 3 years ago

@MichaelFenwick feel free to change whatever you need! 😉

MichaelFenwick commented 3 years ago

I've pushed and published the changes to https://pub.dev/packages/color, and the latest version of the project is now null safe. Closing this PR as its goal has been accomplished.