MichaelGrafnetter / DSInternals

Directory Services Internals (DSInternals) PowerShell Module and Framework
MIT License
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Retrieve the "lastPwdSet" and "mail" attributes from Get-ADDBAccount and Get-ADReplAccount #134

Open yanncam opened 2 years ago

yanncam commented 2 years ago


I open an issue for enhancement. I have check issues (open/closed) and made some tests with Get-ADDBAccount and Get-ADReplAccount but I can't retrieve the following user account's attributes that I need :

As example, from an ntds.dit file, I have tried:

PS C:\Users\X\Desktop\Active Directory> Get-ADDBAccount -samaccountname krbtgt -BootKey $key -DatabasePath ".\ntds.dit"

DistinguishedName: CN=krbtgt,CN=Users,DC=opmanagement,DC=local
Sid: S-1-5-21-2576180771-3553906584-3249235270-502
Guid: 889fc01f-ef4a-4f0a-97aa-7b628463346d
SamAccountName: krbtgt
SamAccountType: User
PrimaryGroupId: 513
Enabled: False
UserAccountControl: Disabled, NormalAccount
SupportedEncryptionTypes: Default
AdminCount: True
Deleted: False
Description: Key Distribution Center Service Account
ServicePrincipalName: {kadmin/changepw}
SecurityDescriptor: DiscretionaryAclPresent, SystemAclPresent, DiscretionaryAclAutoInherited, SystemAclAutoInherited,
DiscretionaryAclProtected, SelfRelative
Owner: S-1-5-21-2576180771-3553906584-3249235270-512
  [... REDACTED ...]
Key Credentials:
Credential Roaming

In this example, there is the LastLogonDate attribute (obviously empty for krbtgt, but not for other users). But no "LastPwdSet" nor "mail".

When I pipe the previous command and select *, some others attributes are available:

PS C:\Users\X\Desktop\Active Directory> Get-ADDBAccount -samaccountname krbtgt -BootKey $key -DatabasePath ".\ntds.dit" | select *

DistinguishedName             : CN=krbtgt,CN=Users,DC=opmanagement,DC=local
Sid                           : S-1-5-21-2576180771-3553906584-3249235270-502
SidHistory                    :
SecurityDescriptor            : System.Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor
Guid                          : 889fc01f-ef4a-4f0a-97aa-7b628463346d
DisplayName                   :
Description                   : Key Distribution Center Service Account
GivenName                     :
Surname                       :
Enabled                       : False
UserAccountControl            : Disabled, NormalAccount
SupportedEncryptionTypes      : Default
SupportsKerberosAESEncryption : False
Deleted                       : False
LastLogon                     :
LastLogonTimestamp            :
LastLogonDate                 :
UserPrincipalName             :
SamAccountName                : krbtgt
LogonName                     : OPMANAGEMENT\krbtgt
PrimaryGroupId                : 513
SamAccountType                : User
AdminCount                    : True
ServicePrincipalName          : {kadmin/changepw}
NTHash                        : [... REDACTED ...]
LMHash                        :
NTHashHistory                 : [... REDACTED ...]
LMHashHistory                 : [... REDACTED ...]
SupplementalCredentials       : DSInternals.Common.Data.SupplementalCredentials
RoamedCredentialsCreated      :
RoamedCredentialsModified     :
RoamedCredentials             :
KeyCredentials                : {}

In the previous output, we can see the new LastLogonTimestamp or LastLogon attributes available. But no LastPwdSet nor mail.

Same with the pipe | Format-List -Property *.

Thank you again for your great work,


MichaelGrafnetter commented 2 years ago

Hello @yanncam , the mail and pwdLastSet attributes are indeed not retrieved by DSInternals cmdlets. The original purpose of DSInternals was the decryption of secret attributes, which are never exposed through LDAP.

Other methods can be used to read these standard attributes:

That being said, I might add support for these attributes in a future version of DSInternals.

yanncam commented 2 years ago

Hello @MichaelGrafnetter, than you for the quick answer.

I understand that the objective of DSInternals is towards the secrets sequestered in the AD, it is not a classic LDAP / AD browser of course.

A definite advantage of DSInternals is that it is notably able to extract information from an AD in offline mode (via the ntds.dit) or in online mode.

When we talk about secrets, and in particular LM / NTLM hashes, DSInternals is already very well equipped to extract them, their history, compare them to the HaveIBeenPwned database with the "Test Password Quality", etc.

However, from all these functions, it is not possible to extract the lastPwdSet or the mail.

Why do I think these two attributes are of interest regarding secrets?

For me these attributes have a real interest during the analysis of secrets, precisely to take concrete actions against these accounts subsequently.

Yes, I agree, other standard AD query tools (online) would make it possible to retrieve these elements but would require cross-checking the results, making data crossovers between DSInternals and the tools, with risks correlation errors.

If DSInternals integrated these two attributes directly, that would greatly facilitate the task, especially in the event of forensic analysis on an offline ntds.dit following a compromise of an Active Directory ecosystem for example.

Thank you for your interest and have a nice day,

MichaelGrafnetter commented 2 years ago

yanncam Good reasoning, added to my backlog.

yanncam commented 2 years ago

👍 ! Thank you for consider it :) !