MichaelGrupp / evo

Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Coordinate horizontal axis (time stamp) problem #547

Closed YoungHaulk closed 1 year ago

YoungHaulk commented 1 year ago

Description: Thanks a lot for such a great tool! The image drawn by evo_traj has a negative time stamp, what is going on?


evo_traj tum vins_result_loop.txt gt.tum --ref gt.tum -pva

Console output:

Loaded 2359 stamps and poses from: vins_result_loop.txt
Loaded 6839 stamps and poses from: gt.tum
Found 2240 of max. 2359 possible matching timestamps between...
and:    vins_result_loop.txt
..with max. time diff.: 0.01 (s) and time offset: 0.0 (s).
Aligning vins_result_loop.txt to reference.
Aligning using Umeyama's method...
Rotation of alignment:
[[-0.78734845 -0.28007563  0.54921768]
 [ 0.58568201 -0.61797446  0.52448465]
 [ 0.19250713  0.73461909  0.65059649]]
Translation of alignment:
[-1.82571805  0.26081025  0.63174804]
Scale correction: 1.0
name:   vins_result_loop
    duration (s)    132.23000192642212
    nr. of poses    2240
    path length (m) 48.666036872304815
    pos_end (m) [-1.68965359  0.52465932  0.79282515]
    pos_start (m)   [-1.85904959  0.30030635  0.62652387]
    t_end (s)   1641269993.156677
    t_start (s) 1641269860.926675
name:   gt
    duration (s)    136.75339269638062
    nr. of poses    6839
    path length (m) 49.548782358657306
    pos_end (m) [-1.85181844  0.35064384  0.87086713]
    pos_start (m)   [-1.75949538  0.29680422  0.51409811]
    t_end (s)   1641269993.2416167
    t_start (s) 1641269856.488224

Additional files: Please attach all the files needed to reproduce the error. tmp

Please give also the following information:

remove this line and paste your config HERE

MichaelGrupp commented 1 year ago

I don't know yet why it's shown like this, might be a display issue of matplotlib with the large values of the UNIX timestamps? But as a workaround you could add --plot_relative_time to the command. Then the axis is showing values starting at zero, relative to the start time of your reference gt.txt.

YoungHaulk commented 1 year ago

I don't know yet why it's shown like this, might be a display issue of matplotlib with the large values of the UNIX timestamps? But as a workaround you could add --plot_relative_time to the command. Then the axis is showing values starting at zero, relative to the start time of your reference gt.txt.

Thank you very much for your quick answer! After adding --plot_relative_time, the problem was solved!

Also, I have another problem. Description: The yaw, pitch and roll in the resulting graph seem to have an overall offset from the groundtruth(please see attached image). May I ask this kind of problem, is it because of the accuracy of my algorithm, or did I not set the relevant parameters when using evo_traj?

The command used is:

evo_traj tum vins_result_loop.txt gt.tum --ref gt.tum -pva --plot_relative_time

The two files above are still used(gt.txt vins_result_loop.txt
