Closed YoungHaulk closed 1 year ago
Sorry, the output of "evo_config show --brief --no_color" are: { "console_logging_format": "%(message)s", "euler_angle_sequence": "sxyz", "global_logfile_enabled": false, "plot_axis_marker_scale": 0.0, "plot_backend": "Qt5Agg", "plot_figsize": [ 8, 8 ], "plot_fontfamily": "serif", "plot_fontscale": 1.3, "plot_invert_xaxis": false, "plot_invert_yaxis": false, "plot_linewidth": 2, "plot_mode_default": "xyz", "plot_multi_cmap": "none", "plot_pose_correspondences": false, "plot_pose_correspondences_linestyle": "dotted", "plot_reference_alpha": 0.5, "plot_reference_axis_marker_scale": 0.0, "plot_reference_color": "black", "plot_reference_linestyle": "--", "plot_seaborn_palette": "deep6", "plot_seaborn_style": "white", "plot_show_axis": true, "plot_show_legend": true, "plot_split": false, "plot_statistics": [ "rmse", "median", "mean", "std", "min", "max" ], "plot_texsystem": "pdflatex", "plot_trajectory_alpha": 0.75, "plot_trajectory_cmap": "jet", "plot_trajectory_linestyle": "-", "plot_usetex": false, "plot_xyz_realistic": true, "ros_map_alpha_value": 1.0, "ros_map_cmap": "Greys_r", "ros_map_unknown_cell_value": 205, "ros_map_viewport": "keep_unchanged", "save_traj_in_zip": false, "table_export_data": "stats", "table_export_format": "csv", "table_export_transpose": true, "tf_cache_lookup_frequency": 10, "tf_cache_max_time": 10000.0 }
The poses look flipped. Probably because the poses in both trajectories are defined in different frames.
You can see it in the absolute angular error (with alignment) and in the plot with axis markers enabled:
evo_config set plot_axis_marker_scale 0.01 plot_reference_axis_marker_scale 0.01 plot_pose_correspondences true
evo_ape tum gt.txt ours.txt --pose_relation angle_deg -asp --plot_mode xz
Thanks Reply!
The world coordinate system of the trajectory output by the algorithm is the IMU coordinate system in the first frame, and the poses output after that are all its IMU coordinate system relative to the world coordinate system. \ The trajectory of the groundtruth is the rigid body coordinate system relative to the world coordinate system of the mocap system Now, the coordinate system of the rigid body is not consistent with the IMU, will this affect the rpy alignment?
In addition, does the command "evo_traj tum gt.txt ours.txt --ref gt.txt -pva" only align the position (xyz) of the trajectory, or align both the position (xyz) and the attitude (rpy) of the trajectory?
The poses in your data still have different orientations. The alignment in evo can't fix this, since it's a rigid alignment of the whole trajectory (up to scale). So this means that you can have different global frames, but you need to ensure that the trajectories describe the motion of the same body frame.
Description: First of all, thank you very much for open source such an excellent evaluation software! The xyz of the estimated trajectory and the groudtruth can be aligned.
But the rpy (roll, pitch, yaw) of the estimated trajectory is very different from the groudtruth.
Below is the output image of my reference algorithm whose rpy and ground truth are able to align.
May I ask, what causes the estimated rpy and the true value to be misaligned?
Console output:
Additional files: Please attach all the files needed to reproduce the error.
Please give also the following information:
evo pkg --version
: v1.22.0evo pkg --pyversion
: 3.8.10evo_config show --brief --no_color