MichaelGrupp / evo

Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problems setting SETTINGS in python file/notebook, particular seaborn style #587

Closed mnissov closed 9 months ago

mnissov commented 10 months ago

Description: Changing some settings from within the python script seem to have no effect, the specific case which is bothersome for me is


Setting this to be either one of darkgrid, whitegrid, white, or dark produces no discernible difference in metrics.py_API_Documentation.ipynb.

Note, an example of the change is the following modification to cell number 2

from evo.tools import log
log.configure_logging(verbose=True, debug=True, silent=False)

import pprint
import numpy as np

from evo.tools import plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# %matplotlib notebook

# temporarily override some package settings
from evo.tools.settings import SETTINGS
SETTINGS.plot_usetex = False
SETTINGS.plot_seaborn_style = 'dark'

and the same effect is seen in a python script which I'm writing to plot some figures automatically.

Please give also the following information:

MichaelGrupp commented 10 months ago

The settings were applied in the evo.tools.plot module once when it was imported. I changed this now, so the settings can be also changed after importing the plot module. https://github.com/MichaelGrupp/evo/commit/13d55881734309815492e097bc59dccefaf47f82

Quick fix for the old notebook version: move the settings part above the import of the plot module. Changing settings needs still a kernel reload and restart unfortunately with this.