MichaelGrupp / evo

Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Data conversion #612

Closed Minsu-Kim1822 closed 7 months ago

Minsu-Kim1822 commented 7 months ago

Hi, I wanna convert my rostopic which is consist of x, y, z pose from the LiDAR SLAM algorithm(LIO-SAM, FAST-LIO2 etc.), but EVO requires KITTI format or the TUM format.

I wanna try to use KITTI format, which is consist of 4x4 homongeous matrix, with rotational matrix, and translation matrix T. I have also IMU information with 6 and 9 axis,

If in case of 6-axis IMU, how can I convert my data to the KITTI format with 12 elements?

Or, even if I could with my LiDAR-SLAM result, convert to TUM format is available?

plz. thank you

MichaelGrupp commented 7 months ago

rostopic requires KITTI format or the TUM format

ROS bag files are also supported when they contain the right message types. evo supports various pose message types from ROS, see: https://github.com/MichaelGrupp/evo/wiki/Formats#bag--bag2---ros1ros2-bagfile

I have also IMU information with 6 and 9 axis

Without knowing your IMU, I would assume that it provides rotational velocity and linear acceleration, and not a pose? (as required by evo)

If in case of 6-axis IMU, how can I convert my data to the KITTI format with 12 elements?

Don't know, what does your data contain? Conversion from non-supported formats is something you would need to figure out yourself.

Minsu-Kim1822 commented 7 months ago

@MichaelGrupp Thank you for your reply.

Actually, I got a multiple results, which have a nav_msgs/Odometry, and Posestampd data.

Also, 6-axis IMU gives me linear acceleration, and angular velocity. 9-axis IMU gives me linear acceleration, angular velocity, and orientation as quaternion also.

MichaelGrupp commented 7 months ago

IMU messages can't be loaded by evo, only formats that represent poses ( / points). The processing of IMU data is expected to be done by some external algorithm that outputs a pose (SLAM, odometry, ...).

Minsu-Kim1822 commented 7 months ago

@MichaelGrupp Thank you for your advice. I recoreded all my SLAM trajectories and ground truth trajectories with orientation information, then I combine and modify as KITTI dataset format. thank you for your help.