MichaelGrupp / evo

Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[ERROR] matrix is not a valid SO(3) group element #623

Open DeepDuke opened 5 months ago

DeepDuke commented 5 months ago

Description: It cannot compute angle error in degree but computation for rotation vector is fine.


 evo_ape gt_poses.txt carla_est_poses_from_00_to_01_constant_vel_model.txt -a -r angle_deg

Console output:

[ERROR] matrix is not a valid SO(3) group element

Additional files: Here are my psoes files. gt_poses.txt carla_est_poses_from_00_to_01_constant_vel_model.txt

Please give also the following information:

evo pkg --pyversion 3.9.17

Did you change the source code? NO

OS: Ubuntu 20.04

evo_config show --brief --no_color { "console_logging_format": "%(message)s", "euler_angle_sequence": "sxyz", "global_logfile_enabled": false, "plot_axis_marker_scale": 0.0, "plot_backend": "TkAgg", "plot_figsize": [ 6, 6 ], "plot_fontfamily": "sans-serif", "plot_fontscale": 1.0, "plot_invert_xaxis": false, "plot_invert_yaxis": false, "plot_linewidth": 1.5, "plot_mode_default": "xyz", "plot_multi_cmap": "none", "plot_pose_correspondences": false, "plot_pose_correspondences_linestyle": "dotted", "plot_reference_alpha": 0.5, "plot_reference_axis_marker_scale": 0.0, "plot_reference_color": "black", "plot_reference_linestyle": "--", "plot_seaborn_palette": "deep6", "plot_seaborn_style": "darkgrid", "plot_show_axis": true, "plot_show_legend": true, "plot_split": false, "plot_start_end_markers": false, "plot_statistics": [ "rmse", "median", "mean", "std", "min", "max" ], "plot_texsystem": "pdflatex", "plot_trajectory_alpha": 0.75, "plot_trajectory_cmap": "jet", "plot_trajectory_length_unit": "m", "plot_trajectory_linestyle": "-", "plot_usetex": false, "plot_xyz_realistic": true, "pygments_style": "monokai", "ros_map_alpha_value": 1.0, "ros_map_cmap": "Greys_r", "ros_map_enable_masking": true, "ros_map_unknown_cell_value": 205, "ros_map_viewport": "keep_unchanged", "save_traj_in_zip": false, "table_export_data": "stats", "table_export_format": "csv", "table_export_transpose": true, "tf_cache_lookup_frequency": 10, "tf_cache_max_time": 10000.0 }

DeepDuke commented 5 months ago

Well. I modified the atol of is_so3 in lie_algebra.py to fix it as

def is_so3(r: np.ndarray) -> bool:
    :param r: a 3x3 matrix
    :return: True if r is in the SO(3) group
    atol = 1e-2
    print('is_so3: atol = {}'.format(atol))
    # Check the determinant.
    # det_valid = np.allclose(np.linalg.det(r), [1.0], atol=1e-6)
    det_valid = np.allclose(np.linalg.det(r), [1.0], atol=atol)

    # Check if the transpose is the inverse.
    # inv_valid = np.allclose(r.transpose().dot(r), np.eye(3), atol=1e-6)
    inv_valid = np.allclose(r.transpose().dot(r), np.eye(3), atol=atol)
    return det_valid and inv_valid

why not pass atol out as a user-specified argument?