MichaelGrupp / evo

Python package for the evaluation of odometry and SLAM
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.32k stars 743 forks source link

The original point is diffrent two much between gt and algo when use evo_** gt_file algo_out_flie -p -a #666

Closed jiajiaandWu closed 1 month ago

jiajiaandWu commented 1 month ago

image (pythonvo) PS D:\YOLOPoint-VO\dataprocess> evo_traj tum --ref E:\results_yoloVSmomo\groundtruthTUM_100hz.txt E:\results_yoloVSmomo\vins_result_loop.txt --plot_mode=xy -a -p -v

Loaded 1066 stamps and poses from: E:\results_yoloVSmomo\vins_result_loop.txt Loaded 29491 stamps and poses from: E:\results_yoloVSmomo\groundtruthTUM_100hz.txt

Found 1066 of max. 1066 possible matching timestamps between... reference and: E:\results_yoloVSmomo\vins_result_loop.txt ..with max. time diff.: 0.01 (s) and time offset: 0.0 (s).

Aligning E:\results_yoloVSmomo\vins_result_loop.txt to reference. Aligning using Umeyama's method... Rotation of alignment: [[ 0.87119358 0.490776 0.012675 ] [-0.49093102 0.87104098 0.01656365] [-0.0029114 -0.02065269 0.99978247]] Translation of alignment: [-57.63636653 18.41824369 -10.495273 ] Scale correction: 1.0

name: vins_result_loop infos: duration (s) 294.5486240386963 nr. of poses 1066 path length (m) 1632.3046841376645 pos_end (m) [-175.805577 270.4669114 -4.21548744] pos_start (m) [-56.44302709 16.53013172 -10.41201644] t_end (s) 1605247735.4236526 t_start (s) 1605247440.8750286

name: groundtruthTUM_100hz infos: duration (s) 294.90000009536743 nr. of poses 29491 path length (m) 1507.02978251964 pos_end (m) [-156.21134 250.127887 -7.8 ] pos_start (m) [ 2.068028 -2.597068 -0.3 ] t_end (s) 1605247735.7 t_start (s) 1605247440.8

MichaelGrupp commented 1 month ago

Your trajectories don't match well. Without any context one can only guess what you want to do.

Please provide a proper description if you have a specific question about evo.