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Research and prototype a slack or discord channel #15

Open MichaelKentBurns opened 6 months ago

MichaelKentBurns commented 6 months ago

Job for Philemon

MichaelKentBurns commented 6 months ago

Philemon gave good feedback on the 'Contact us' page in a page review. Email dated March 19, 2024 titled "page title: Contact us".

My hesitancy to dive quickly into this is that some such channels can be very clogged with newbie stuff and 'please help me' pleas. For example, the front end mentor discord channel.

For our use I would prefer an invite only slack channel like Disciple.Tools.

Please research this and recommend the rules and how to stitch it into our contact page.

MichaelKentBurns commented 5 months ago

Destin is also interested in contributing here.
I plan to create a new Upwork job and invite both of them to contribute. But, that is lower priority than having them edit and review the front end, back end pages with their contributions.

MichaelKentBurns commented 5 months ago

From an email from Philemon on March 19th:
Hi Michael,

Apart from your contact details, I'd like to suggest integrating a community messaging application into your software training website. I'll explain why in this article

Building Bridges: Why Your Software Training Website Needs a Community Messaging App

In today's digital learning landscape, high-quality course content is just the first step. Engaged users who can connect, share experiences, and support each other are the lifeblood of a thriving software training platform. That's where community messaging applications like Slack or Discord come in.

This article explores the numerous benefits of integrating a community messaging app into your software training website:

Enhanced Communication and Collaboration:

Real-time discussions: Imagine a space where students can troubleshoot challenges, brainstorm solutions, and ask instructors quick questions – all in real-time. Messaging apps foster dynamic communication, accelerating learning and problem-solving. Group discussions and project collaboration: Facilitate teamwork on projects by creating dedicated channels for specific courses or topics. This allows students to collaborate effectively and share resources seamlessly. Building a Supportive Learning Community:

Peer-to-peer learning: A messaging app provides a platform for students with varying levels of expertise to connect. More experienced learners can mentor their peers, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning environment. Reduced isolation: Learning a new software can feel isolating. A community messaging app combats this by creating a space for students to connect, share experiences, and build lasting connections. Improved User Engagement:

Increased course completion rates: The sense of community fostered by a messaging app can boost motivation and engagement. Students are more likely to persist through challenges if they know they have a network of peers and instructors for support. Valuable user feedback: A dedicated space for open communication allows you to gather valuable user feedback on your courses and training materials. This feedback loop helps you continually improve your offerings and cater to the needs of your learners. Additional Advantages:

Accessibility and Convenience: Community messaging apps are accessible on desktops and mobile devices, allowing students to connect and learn on the go. Knowledge Sharing: Encourage students to share helpful resources, articles, and tutorials within the community, creating a valuable knowledge base for everyone. By integrating a community messaging app, your software training website can transform from a platform with static content into a vibrant learning hub. It fosters a sense of community, enhances communication, and ultimately leads to a more engaging and successful learning experience for your students.

Bahati Philemon

MichaelKentBurns commented 5 months ago

In Ash's review of the front end page:

8) Community Engagement: Encourage readers to join online communities or forums where they can ask questions, share their work, and collaborate with other learners. This fosters a sense of community and provides valuable support for those embarking on their web development journey.

And my reply: One of the other things that Philemon and I have been discussing is the community aspect you mentioned. I will gladly accept any specific suggestions along those lines and will add you to our conversation if you wish.

To which Ash replied: Regarding the community aspect, I believe fostering a sense of community among our readers is crucial for their growth and support. I'll gladly provide specific suggestions in this regard and would welcome the opportunity to join the conversation with you and Philemon to further explore this aspect. Please add me to the conversation, and I'll be happy to contribute ideas and collaborate on this important aspect of our project.