Added the horizontal and vertical labelling for the Scrabble board. The horizontal labelling contains numbers ranging from 1 to 15, and the vertical labelling contains letters from A to O.
To implement this, the JPanel containing the 15x15 Scrabble board was added into a parent container/JPanel. This parent JPanel also contains two other child JPanels; A JPanel which implements a FlowLayout and has the horizontal labelling, and a second JPanel which uses a default layout and uses HTML tags (specifcally the tag which adds each letter to a new line) to implement the vertical labelling. The parent JPanel implements a BorderLayout, where the scrabble board panel is added to the center (CENTER), the horizontal labelling panel is added to the top (NORTH), and the vertical labelling panel is added to the left (WEST).
Things to be done:
Currently, the horizontal and vertical labelling is fully functional, however it will be cleaned up and refactored further in a future commit.
Things changed in the ScrabbleFrameView class:
tag which adds each letter to a new line) to implement the vertical labelling. The parent JPanel implements a BorderLayout, where the scrabble board panel is added to the center (CENTER), the horizontal labelling panel is added to the top (NORTH), and the vertical labelling panel is added to the left (WEST).
Things to be done: