Implementation of 2D-parametrization algorithm introduced by the paper "Scalable Locally Injective Mappings". Currently support only the Symmetric Dirichlet isometric energy.
Could you please comment, why do you use igl::doublearea with tet meshes (at least in libigl's slim.cpp, line 925; not sure about this implementation)? It seems that when F.cols()==4 function looks at simplex as a quad, non tetrahedron. Is it correct behavior?
Also I noticed that calling "doublearea" from gptoolbox gives almost different result for the same tet mesh... I mentioned it because possibly you may have prototyped your code using it
Could you please comment, why do you use igl::doublearea with tet meshes (at least in libigl's slim.cpp, line 925; not sure about this implementation)? It seems that when F.cols()==4 function looks at simplex as a quad, non tetrahedron. Is it correct behavior?
Also I noticed that calling "doublearea" from gptoolbox gives almost different result for the same tet mesh... I mentioned it because possibly you may have prototyped your code using it