MichaelRocks / paranoid

String obfuscator for Android applications.
Apache License 2.0
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Request: publish the repo to mavenCentral #45

Closed Songroid closed 3 years ago

Songroid commented 3 years ago

From https://jfrog.com/blog/into-the-sunset-bintray-jcenter-gocenter-and-chartcenter/,

JFrog is making some important changes that will impact users of Bintray, JCenter (part of Bintray), GoCenter, and ChartCenter.
AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 years ago

It's going to be removed, no?


headsvk commented 3 years ago

Is this project still maintained? We also use this library and want to continue when JCenter is down.

MichaelRocks commented 3 years ago

I'm moving my projects to Maven Central, and this one is the second in line.

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 years ago

@MichaelRocks Thank you very much! Can you please write here when it moved?

MichaelRocks commented 3 years ago

@AndroidDeveloperLB Sure!

valeriyo commented 3 years ago

https://jcenter.bintray.com/ appears to have gone down... 502 and now 403 :( and I can't build my app.. @MichaelRocks any way to expedite the move?


Source: https://status.bintray.com/

MichaelRocks commented 3 years ago

@valeriyo I've already started moving Paranoid's dependencies so if everything goes fine I'll finish by the end of the week.

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 years ago

@MichaelRocks That's great! Thank you very much!

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 years ago

Why is it closed? Has it moved now? If so, please update the readme file of the repository (still says "jcenter")...

MichaelRocks commented 3 years ago

Yes, all the artifacts have been moved to Maven Central. Totally forgot about the readme, thank you @AndroidDeveloperLB.

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 years ago

@MichaelRocks Thank you very much!

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 years ago

@MichaelRocks This is also available, right:



I ask because of this: https://github.com/MichaelRocks/paranoid/issues/38

Or maybe it's not needed anymore?

MichaelRocks commented 3 years ago

@AndroidDeveloperLB Only 0.3.3 version is available in Maven Central. So you should add


If you don't provide a valid pom.xml for your aar dependency the core dependency is still needed.

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 years ago

@MichaelRocks Right. Thank you very much! So, it's still an important thing to use? Why isn't it mentioned on readme page of the repository?

MichaelRocks commented 3 years ago

@AndroidDeveloperLB It's an important thing if you don't publish your dependencies correctly. So that's not a problem with this particular project, that's why I don't mention it in readme.

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 years ago

@MichaelRocks Meaning it's for developers of libraries that use this repository?

MichaelRocks commented 3 years ago

I mean if developers distribute their libraries properly as maven dependencies with a correct pom.xml then the users of their libraries don't need to deal with the paranoid-core dependency themselves.

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 years ago

@MichaelRocks So, whether a developer works on a library that use this repository, or on a project that uses it directly, this dependency needs to be added. So why not mention it on readme ? It seems to be a very common requirement this way...

MichaelRocks commented 3 years ago

No, it doesn't need to be added in case everything is done right. I don't want to add it to readme because it's related to the process of publishing and distributing artifacts and not to the library.

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 years ago

@MichaelRocks What do you mean "done right"? If I create an app and need to use this repository, shouldn't I add this dependency?

MichaelRocks commented 3 years ago

No, you shouldn't. The dependency is added automatically by the plugin. And "done right" means that when you distribute an obfuscated aar it should come with a correct pom.xml that contains all the runtime dependencies including paranoid-core.

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 years ago

@MichaelRocks What if I have an app that uses paranoid, and I also use a library that uses paranoid (whether it's "done right" on it or not) ? Should I add the dependency or not? And why not mention how library developers should use paranoid, as a side note, to make it "done right" ?

MichaelRocks commented 3 years ago

This is a general issue related to working with maven dependencies. Paranoid isn't different from any other library when you want to distribute an artifact that depends on it.

Anyway, I think we should stop discussing this stuff here because it's not related to the original issue. If you believe something has to be added to readme you could send me a PR.

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 years ago

ok sorry and thank you. But can you please answer the question?

AndroidDeveloperLB commented 3 years ago

@MichaelRocks Here, a pull request as you told me: https://github.com/MichaelRocks/paranoid/pull/47

caiofaustino commented 3 years ago

Hi, is it possible to also migrate the 0.3.2 version to Maven Central? I only see 0.3.3 available there.

MichaelRocks commented 3 years ago

@caiofaustino Hi, I would prefer not to migrate legacy versions.

caiofaustino commented 3 years ago

We have a library that uses your library and so it has paranoid-core as a transitive dependency. We migrated older versions as well so people using these older versions wouldn't be able to build their projects after JCenter is closed.

We will update to 0.3.3 on the next version but that doesn't solve the issue for people on older versions.

There are a few blog posts that could be helpful if you decide to migrate them, shouldn't be too complicated, and I would be happy with only migrating 0.3.2, can be done manually in around 10 minutes :)

caiofaustino commented 3 years ago

Hi again @MichaelRocks, sorry to push but I just wanted to know if you would reconsider adding 0.3.2 to Maven Central or not. This post has a nice easy approach to manually uploading them since it's just one version.

MichaelRocks commented 3 years ago

@caiofaustino I believe it won't solve problems caused by Bintray and jCenter shutdown but I'll do that.