MichaelSinsbeck / platformer

A ninja platformer written in LÖVE
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New Image for Crumble Block tile #130

Closed michalove closed 9 years ago

michalove commented 10 years ago

I make the button/appearblock available in four colors, so the blue box image is not taken by the appearblock. We need a new image for the crumble block.

Do you have any ideas? Maybe concrete+cracks?

Germanunkol commented 10 years ago

Yes, concrete with cracks would work. I was also thinking about using something that looks less "strong", though. Maybe something wooden? Maybe even just something that looks a little like twigs and leaves? http://s815.photobucket.com/user/marestarr/media/crumble_zps63d37478.png.html On the other hand that would not fit into all worlds. And I'll miss the current breaking effect - right now, it looks awesome when you use the level editor to place around 30 crumbleblocks one after the other and then run the whole way from left to right... Maybe a block made up of mutliple loose-looking rocks/stones is the best...

michalove commented 10 years ago

I will try, how it looks if we use the bricks that are also in the concrete-wall-alternative-tiles.

michalove commented 10 years ago

I tried something: After several tries to make a better image, the best image I could make, was made up from several crumble-objects.

I tried a new approch for the destruction: The crumbleBlock itself is made from multiple parts (at the moment 9, if we keep it, then more in the future). When the block vanishes, particles are generated in exactly the same positions and the visualizers of the block are removed. That looks like the block slowly dissipates. What do you think? Does that look good? If yes, we should randomize the single crumbs-positions as well as their order.

Germanunkol commented 10 years ago

The approach is good. But we definately need to randomize the positions, otherwise it looks too repetitive.

I'm not too fond of the images yet, though. It's hard to tell what it's supposed to be. Maybe you could try logs? Or wooden planks? So the particles would be longer, horizontal, with a small random angle (-3 to 3 degrees, maybe). This would also fit with all the different worlds... and would look less "strong" than concrete. Also, I think the falling effect would look better with planks than with stones. You mentioned we'd need more tiles: I definately agree. I don't think there should be that many holes, it should look more like cracks in a material, right now it sort of resembles grey leaves.

Also, the delay between stepping on the tile and the animation is way too large. It seems like it's almost not reacting to the player.

Just my two cents, though. If you like the current images more, keep 'em.