MichaelSinsbeck / platformer

A ninja platformer written in LÖVE
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World map #165

Closed michalove closed 7 years ago

michalove commented 10 years ago

The survey suggests these improvements:

It should also be possible to navigate to all other levels quickly. Especially those that are in other worlds. Maybe we should have a hierarchy. First select the world, then a new screen pops up showing the individual levels in the world.

Germanunkol commented 10 years ago

The current menu button-selection is realatively stupid: It doesn't know anything about connected buttons. Meaning that when pressing right, the next button to the right is chosen, no matter if they're linked or not. If there was a button below the current button, it would move there...

Depending on the setup this might make things easier or harder - but we should consider it when thinking about ways to make the map more accessible.

I don't like the "select world first then select map" approach much, but I can't think of anything else at the moment.

Edit: After reading the screen transiition issue, here's an idea: Instead of the current world map, we zoom out when selecting "play". Then, more of the horizon is visible and we could see different "regions" (town, forest and so on). The player then selects one of these regions, zooms in, and there we can display the buttons for the levels. This would make sure all of the menu is the same style. The only thing we'd really have to change is making the zooming work and the world maps would be transformed into the blueish style of the menu background, and would have to be connected (ideally by meshes, I guess).

michalove commented 10 years ago

I like the idea. Let's try it.

michalove commented 10 years ago

I tried a different design for the look of the world map. The is the old design: bandana_worlda This is the new design: bandana_worldb

But then I read the last two posts in this thread and realized that we wanted to go a different way, altogether. The other idea (zooming out and stuff) I probably the cooler one, but need a little more work. So I suggest we make the dependent on the time we have left. If we have no time left, we only replace the current images by better ones (for example the one above) and add a button for jumping from one world to the next one (tab or page up/page down). If we have a lot of time left or really like the other idea, then we go for the other idea.

Germanunkol commented 10 years ago

I like your new design much more than the old one. But yes, let's first see if we can integrate it with the background (village/forest/hills etc) somehow, as we mentioned above.

michalove commented 10 years ago

I did some more work on the images. I decided, world 3 will be a could world. Here is the image I came up with. bandana_coulds1 or, second version bandana_coulds2

I think they, are okay, but not really beautiful. Do you have any suggestion for improvement?

Germanunkol commented 9 years ago

I don't think the zooming out makes much sense with the parallax background - it probably wouldn't look very good... So I think we should stick to the current setup...?

michalove commented 9 years ago

No, zooming out does not make sense any more. How about "moving up" until the parallax background is outside the screen? That would make the world map float somewhere in the sky (a bit illogical, though).

Germanunkol commented 9 years ago

I think the new world map images look great, but I would consider moving the clouds to the end. The current levels towards the end feel a lot like they could be "cloudy", i.e. there's little ground and not many things to walk on...

michalove commented 9 years ago

Good advice. I will do that.

Also I will most probably add a 6th world, with only one level (the boss fight). This will most likely be a castle.