MichaelSinsbeck / platformer

A ninja platformer written in LÖVE
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Ending #241

Open michalove opened 9 years ago

michalove commented 9 years ago

I would like to have some sort of boss-fight at the end.

I have a rough idea in my head and there are two possible ways of doing it: The main idea is that during the boss-fight, the player will go through all of the previous stages of bandanas (no wall-jump, wall-jump only, parachute, etc...). There are two possible orders: 1) Forwards: In the beginning of the boss fight, the boss steals all of the bandana-powers. During the bossfight, one by one, the player gains them back, until he can defeat the boss. 2) Backwards: During the boss fight, one by one, the boss steals one ability, so that the player becomes weaker and weaker and in the end he has only the jump (or not even that).

Which one do you like better? Or neither of them?

The first one would maybe make for simpler level design: Just make one large level with all bandanas in it and make each one reachable only with the previous ability (like in a metroid-vania game). The second one would make better "drama". In that case the boss fight would rather be like an "survive for 2 minutes and then press a button or something" and the level would become more and more difficult simply by taking away the abilities.

Germanunkol commented 9 years ago

I like the first version more. It could introduce a difficulty curve in the last level if, towards the end, you need to combine all your abilities for the final hit/jump/etc. The second version would probably mean that towards the end of the level, the game gets easier and easier... because it'll be hard to introduce hard puzzles to a ninja who can't do anything but jump a little. Also, a final fight where you have to use all the abilites is probably much more satisfying, once the player actually wins.

michalove commented 9 years ago

Thanks for your opinion. I will probably go with that.

michalove commented 7 years ago

So, I started drawing the final boss. This is a first mockup (lines need to be drawn more nicely, and head should be turned a little bit to the right, instead of being straight towards the screen). I think I can work with this one. As a hitbox I will only use the head. That should be easy to implement. Animation-wise, I can probably make the snake-like part animated (using vector animations).

What do you think?


Germanunkol commented 7 years ago

Looks like the perfect oosite of the player (tiny vs large, young vs. old, coloured vs black+white), which I think is great! I really like the head, maybe it's enough to add a bit of a shadow?

Since the entire game is from "left to right", I'd let the dragon face the other direction, though (head left, body right). And I'm not sure if I'm too fond of the body yet. I think it might look cooler if it was mostly "behind" the ground, not standing on it. If you let it stand on the ground like the player, we should make the ground interactive as well...

michalove commented 7 years ago

Ok, thanks. I will let you know, as soon as I have something new to show.

michalove commented 7 years ago

So, I finally started implementing the boss. I just committed the first version (not really finished, does not do anything yet, except for breathing).

Could you please give me a short feedback: Go to level 6-02. How difficult is it for you to hit the dragon with a missile? I am currently trying to figure out how the player can defeat the boss.


Germanunkol commented 7 years ago

Well, I've managed to hit it once or twice (it doesn't have a hitbox yet, does it?). It's definitely difficult, but I also think that's kinda cool. The dragon looks pretty much alive and organic, I like that! Now if it fights back somehow, that would be nice. I guess you're just testing out the mechanics, but we should make sure that the player sees the dragon and gets attacked by it before we start fighting it. Right now, you see the cannon before you see the dragon, it would be better if we saw the dragon first - but I'm guessing this is just a mechanics-test?

Btw, in the previous iteration, when the dragon was still facing forward (with the body on the left), it looked much older - intended?