MichaelSinsbeck / platformer

A ninja platformer written in LÖVE
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Central game experience #96

Closed michalove closed 7 years ago

michalove commented 10 years ago

Here, I want to talk about what makes the game fun.

Kikito wrote that the game is fun, when the player feels "badass" and frustrating when not. This is very close to what I intended in the first place, when I started the project. My idea was to give the player some ninja-abilities to feel superior/badass.

We should keep that in mind when designing the game further. One trick that we should use, is making things look more difficult/dangerous than they are. For example, Super Meat Boy does a good job at this. Already the first levels are full of saw blades and look really difficult, but the player manages to finish them quiet easily. Both the spikes and the walker enemy should look much more dangerous.

And another design idea that is important for me, is to keep the game "tight". There should be no busy-work for the player, no repetitive levels. Each level should be as short as possible and be centered around one idea. A bit like a puzzle game, but a physical puzzle.

michalove commented 10 years ago

As a reminder for myself. Here are some ideas on how to improve the game feel: http://juicybeast.com/2014/02/the-making-of-toto-temple-deluxe-platforming-part-1/

Germanunkol commented 10 years ago

I think the examples they give here are way over the top, but they might come in handy when we try to make the game more reponsive, maybe in the menu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy0aCDmgnxg