MichaelSmithwick / DigitalCurrency

Informtion about DC
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Things To Know #2

Open MichaelSmithwick opened 7 years ago

MichaelSmithwick commented 7 years ago

A list of things to know and understand about digital currency

MichaelSmithwick commented 7 years ago
  1. Average rate of return per Hash Rate, i.e. how much income can be earned reliably per a given amount of time? For example will the income average $5 per month?
  2. Average power consumed per Hash Rate. Knowing this will permit determination of power cost. A basic formula with input 'Hash Rate' and 'Kilowatt/Hour cost' would yield an approximate cost per month of power.
  3. With knowledge of 1 and 2 a P/L model can be determined and risk assessed.

  4. How to get a DC wallet?
  5. How to ensure credit for mining efforts?