MichaelVoelkel / ChartJs2QML

QML adaptor for Chart.js 2.x that supports startup animations and tooltips
MIT License
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ChartJs V3.0 #3

Open JohnWalkerx opened 4 years ago

JohnWalkerx commented 4 years ago

Has anyone already had a look at the new version V3.0.0-alpha of ChartJs?

It's still alpha but I think it would be great if we could continue the journey of ChartJs2QML! 🚀

MichaelVoelkel commented 3 years ago

Oh sounds cool! Will definitely check it out, but probably only after release. Thanks for letting me know!!

ghutchis commented 2 years ago

Just found the project and it looks awesome. I had the same question about 3.x releases (now at 3.4.x). I'd be happy to help or drum up support.

cagnulein commented 2 years ago

found it today too @ghutchis !

nsourligas commented 2 years ago

@MichaelVoelkel any future plan to support Chart.js 3.x stable releases? It would be an awesome feature!

MichaelVoelkel commented 2 years ago

Hi guys, just found some time to at least have a quick look over chartJS3 features. It says, it uses web workers for rendering. I am not sure if QML supports this, too. But I myself find rendering could be faster, so I would like it, too. @ghutchis Thanks for the offer! How do you have in mind, you could help? I would think, investing a few days to check if Chart JS 3 could be wrapped would already go a long way. Few days is hard at the moment for me, my personal backlog explodes. That said, if anyone would try to create a POC, I could at least approve the PR as experimental branch here! This would be very fast. Apart from that, if I find more time, experimenting with it/offering is an option, but realistically not in the next weeks.