MichaelXF / js-confuser

JS-Confuser is a JavaScript obfuscation tool to make your programs *impossible* to read.
MIT License
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Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: Cannot access 'CLBnqYg' before initialization #126

Open justDarian opened 3 months ago

justDarian commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug:

The program works before obfuscation, runs when obfuscated, but specific function doesnt work

Config and Small code sample


  target: "browser",
  preset: "medium"


const hardSpoof = async () => {
  let game = false;
  let success = 0
  // changes the clientseed as a last minute attempt to override the session
  await changeSeed(await genString(28, 31))

  // creates a ui so the user knows whats going on
  showBigToast("DevHaxx is UnRigging your session")
  // add current game data to a obj so ur current game aint messed up
  const session = (await getMinesGame())
  if (session.hasGame) {
      // stores the current gamedata in a variable
      game = session.game;
      // attmept to uncover a mine, so cashout is successful
      await action(false, genNumber(5, 15))
      await action(true, 0)
  } else {
      game = false;

  // try to spoof 3 times
  for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      if (await mineSpoof()) {
      } else {

  // recreate game so thingies thing
  game && await create(game.minesAmount, parseInt(game.betAmount));
  // remove the overlay

  if (success >= 2) {
      return true
  } else {
      return false


Expected behavior

The program should outputrun function normally

Actual behavior

The program creates the UI and stalls, without doing anything else

Additional context

Seems the program gets stuck because the same variable is defined twice, shown here: image