MichaelXF / js-confuser

JS-Confuser is a JavaScript obfuscation tool to make your programs *impossible* to read.
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Obfuscation methods are using patchable functions that makes code unsafe #132

Open doctor8296 opened 3 days ago

doctor8296 commented 3 days ago

Hello! First of all I want to say that this tool is great. Previously I was using only javascript-obfsucator, but it was extremily easy to deobfuscated and debug. Some people even did whole deobfuscators based on the obfuscation logic of the javascript-obfuscator.

Okay, now I will give a little bit of context. I am web game anticheat dev. My client side anticheats were used in multiple games, and it was pretty effective, even tho it is just uncopmlite version of actual anticheat (actual versioun requires a lot of server related work which is extremily difficult and have a lot of issues at implementing it on ready made games + plus it has bad relationships with hashing).

So, since I was using javascript obfuscator on custom low obfuscation config, because I couldn't use any other since it took huge chunk of performance (like 2 seconds, which is unacceptable for the game or site), for hackers it was very easy to handle it "on fly" and edit specific places in code to make it work like they wanted. Even tho they did it I was very happy that they were forced to do this out of options, instead of trying to monkeypatch this (basically my anticheat protects from monkeypatching).

So I wanted to make it stronger. And in you library I see a lot of great features for that, but unfortunatly a lot of them use patchable function to make them work.

Patchable functions are methods / global functions / global classes that can be redefined. Here the example of one:

const S_charCode = "S".charCodeAt(0);

And this function (method String.prototype.charCodeAt) can be patched, for example like this:

String.prototype.charCodeAt = function() {
    return "fake value"

And this is unsafe.

The live example of it is source protection. I actually use hash source protection that wraps all the completed / obfuscated code into function, then I am getting the hash of this function and pass as argument. Inside of this function I am getting the function signature and compare it's hash with passed hash. Obviously to hash it I have to use chatCodeAt to get char code and base hash value on it. I did it by creating static dictionary of all existing symbols:

      return {
        0: 48,
        1: 49,
        2: 50,
        3: 51,
        4: 52,
        5: 53,
        6: 54,
        7: 55,
        8: 56,
        9: 57,
        ":": 58,
        ";": 59,
        "<": 60,

Alright. Now I'll show some specific case of the methods of the JS-Confuser which we can make safier.

Overall this thing is great. I cannot ask you to implement this things that I meantioned, probably gonna do it myself. Web security and monkeypatching is very difficult topics, that no one actually know about and only a few neet it.

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