Michaelangel007 / apple2_dos33

Apple ][ DOS 3.3
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Using $1D00 vs. $9D00 to document DOS3.3 #3

Open TommyGH opened 6 years ago

TommyGH commented 6 years ago

I have an interesting idea for you to ponder. In your Github/Apple2_dos33 you are documenting DOS3.3 and its addressing based on a Master disk image and its initial load location ($1B00 relocator code and $1D00 for DOS proper) during the boot process. Almost everyone tracing DOS or looking at DOS using AppleWin (or other emulator) will almost always be looking at the $9D00 final resting place of DOS after the boot process is complete, especially since (I think?) most DOS3.3 disks are slave disks.

Have you thought about documenting Apple2_dos33 using the $9D00 addressing? Or somehow allowing users to flip a switch and have everything magically change to the $9D00 addressing? I know somewhere you mentioned you wanted to create a DOS3.3 symbol file for use with AppleWin, and certainly it (or a version of it) should be based on $9D00.

Michaelangel007 commented 6 years ago

Almost everyone tracing DOS or looking at DOS using AppleWin (or other emulator) will almost always be looking at the $9D00 final resting place of DOS after the boot process is complete,

Correct. Which is why I'll also be providing AppleWin symbols at the final $9D00 range. :-) I've added a new section 3.3 for where these will go. It is trivial to add $8000 to all the addresses.

That is why I started this project in the first place! To get symbols for EVERY DOS 3.3 function and variable.

Michaelangel007 commented 6 years ago

Or somehow allowing users to flip a switch and have everything magically change to the $9D00 addressing?

That's not a bad idea! I can put that in the top right in the "color/monochrome" option:

(x) Master $1B00
( ) Slave $9B00
Michaelangel007 commented 6 years ago

Internal notes for myself ...