Michaelangel007 / d2_cheat_sheet

Diablo 2 Cheat Sheet for Runes and Runewords
The Unlicense
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Add support for ultrawide monitors #22

Open hurik opened 3 years ago

hurik commented 3 years ago

Support for ultrawide monitors (21:9) would be nice, to see more information without scrolling.


Thank you for this nice tool!

Michaelangel007 commented 3 years ago

Right now this hasn't been done due to having to duplicate tables. (On desktop I have an auto 2-column mode depending on how wide the browser window is.)

This feature request will be addressed in version 2.0 where users hit a Layout button to customize the layout. They will be able to freely drag-drop the the tables (since everyone has their own preferred layout. :-) )

Keeping this issue open as a reminder for the "Layout" wish list. Updated the readme.