Michaelreland / CodeSamples

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GPRS<->Bluetooth #1

Open Michaelreland opened 8 years ago

Michaelreland commented 8 years ago

I have been looking into making an app that can make GPRS compatible with Bluetooth and Bluetooth with GPRS. I have found Bluetooth to GPRS (1), which works conditionally, But I am unable to find any way that makes GPRS able to transfer data to Bluetooth. This could be solved by engineering a connection device or web-based application, both which would use this software. Debriefing: GPRS (2) is a Legacy technology of Bluetooth that works using sub-intermittent radio waves,like walkie talkies do. Bluetooth uses it's own frequency. If I could find a way to code in which ports to use for which devices, and use those ports with the wavelengths,I might be able to make something that detects which protocol to use based on frequency.

My use: I have a LG 410 (legacy flip phone) with GPRS and no Bluetooth, and an LG 420 (2G Camera Phone) with Bluetooth and no GPRS. I want to be able to transfer files from one phone to the other and back again, mostly .csv (contact files) and .mp3 files (music). Wired connection is close to impossible since the 410's connector is a ST-P53WD connector and the 420's is a standard mini-USB connector.

  1. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Bluetooth_GPRS_Howto
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPRS_core_network
Michaelreland commented 8 years ago

Public practical use: Legacy technology transfers Bluetooth compatible walkie-talkies Alternative method for exchanging data on modern technologies with a much larger transmit range (8 km from any cell tower) or much smaller transmit range (3 meters from device) (Since GPRS extends GSM (3)) vs. Bluetooth which is 10 meters.

Anything else you can think of?
