MichalLytek / type-graphql

Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
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Typed decorators - enhanced type-safety #221

Open MichalLytek opened 5 years ago

MichalLytek commented 5 years ago

Right now it's dangerously easy to have inconsistence between schema type and TS type in class definition:

class Test {
  @Field(() => [Author])  // wrong item type
  actors: Actor[];

  @Field({ nullable: true })
  optionalField: string; // optional in schema, required in TS

It can be easily fixed (I was not aware of this possibility in TS) by using generics instead of predefined types like PropertyDecorator.

Quick demonstration of the proof of concept:

function Field<T>(typeFn: () => T) {
  return <TPropertyName extends string>(
    prototype: { [P in TPropertyName]: GetSimpleType<T> },
    propertyName: TPropertyName,
  ) => {
    console.log("TypeGraphQL FTW!");

type GetSimpleType<T> = T extends BooleanConstructor ? boolean : never;

class Test {
  @Field(() => Boolean)
  okField: boolean;

  @Field(() => Boolean)
  badField: string;


Argument of type 'Test' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ badField: boolean; }'.
  Types of property 'badField' are incompatible.
    Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'boolean'

TODO: figure out how to get rid of false negative, like using custom scalars, etc.

Disclaimer: Inspired by @stephentuso ts-graphql 😃

Veetaha commented 5 years ago

@19majkel94 Very good feature, but is there a way to provide strong typing support for method parameters decorators? I can't make tsc to issue an error for this code:

export interface ClassType extends Function {
    new (...args: any[]): unknown;

export type StaticMethodParameterDecorator = (
        TMethodName  extends string | symbol,
        TClassType   extends ClassType & Record<TMethodName, (this: TClassType, ...args: unknown[]) => unknown>
        targetClass:    TClassType, 
        methodName:     TMethodName, 
        parameterIndex: number
    ) => void

function staticParameterDecorator(): StaticMethodParameterDecorator {
    return () => {};

class Cl {
    method(            // instance method, but no error
        bool: boolean
    ) {
        return bool;

Did you find a solution?

MichalLytek commented 5 years ago

Static method? Does TypeGraphQL supports this? 😜

You can check out the ts-graphql source code for help: https://github.com/stephentuso/ts-graphql/blob/dev/src/decorators/Field.ts

Veetaha commented 5 years ago

@19majkel94 Well, ok, we can skip this part, as there are no decorators targeted to static accessors/properties/methods in typegraphql. I inspected some of ts-graphql code previously, but failed to find a solution for strongly typing parameter decorators, that you will face when implementing yours if haven't yet.

MichalLytek commented 5 years ago

I think that typed decorators will be superseded by TypeScript transform plugin to enhance reflection system - more info soon 💪

adhamsalama commented 7 months ago

Hello @MichalLytek. I hope all is well. I have just found out about this behavior while using NestJS, and it led me to this GitHub issue, so, I am wondering if there are/will be any updates/solutions to this.