MichalLytek / type-graphql

Create GraphQL schema and resolvers with TypeScript, using classes and decorators!
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Feature: Data loader integration #51

Open MichalLytek opened 6 years ago

MichalLytek commented 6 years ago


  1. Caching resolving the same data
  2. Instead of normal resolving:
    author(@Root() recipe: Recipe) {
    return this.userRepository.findById(recipe.authorId);

    Introduce batched resolving - taking array of roots:

    async author(@Root() recipes: Recipe[]) {
    const ids = recipes.map(r => r.authorId);
    return this.userRepository.findByIds(ids);
  3. Decorator:
    async mutationThatAffectLoader(
    @Arg("input") input: SomeInput,
    @DataLoader(User) loader,
    ) {
    const result = await this.mutateSomething(input);
    return result;
laukaichung commented 6 years ago

Looking forwards to it on solving n+1 requests.

laukaichung commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure how it's supposed to work.

Does @FieldResolver() automatically cache the returned result with dataloader?

author(@Root() recipe: Recipe) {
  return this.userRepository.findById(recipe.authorId);

It looks like I don't need to do anything at all that involves dataloader. If it's true, I'll wait for the integration instead of starting to use dataloader now.

MichalLytek commented 6 years ago
@Resolver(() => Post)
class PostResolver {
  @Query(returns => [Post])
  posts() {
    return this.manager.find(Post);

  comments(@Root() posts: Post[]) {
    const postIds = posts.map(post => post.id);
    const comments = this.manager.find(Comment, { postId: In(postIds) });
    // grouping and providing correct order for dataloader
    return posts.map(post =>
      comments.filter(comment => comment.postId === post.id)

So executing this query:

query {
  posts {
    comments {

will call DB two times - one for fetching posts collection, one for fetching comments collection, because comments resolver will be batched. And yes, field resolvers will be cached, so calling the field resolver with the same parent and args data will not execute it again.

laukaichung commented 6 years ago

This is great. It looks like the dataloader is working under the hood in @FieldResolver. I don't even need to call up @DataLoader(Comment) and explicitly cache the fetched comments in @FieldResolver.

chrisdevereux commented 6 years ago

When I've used DataLoader before, I've generally used it at the repository layer, rather than on resolvers. The main benefit of this being that it doesn't leak logic around batching into the service layer (requiring everything in the app to work on n ids rather than 1).

The main downside is that it requires me to construct services & repositories per-request. Which I can't really figure out how to do with TypeGraphQL — would require the resolvers & DI context to be constructed per request.

What do you think about solving this problem by allowing this, rather than bundling dataloader support into the resolver?

MichalLytek commented 6 years ago

It's easy to solve - create a global middleware that will create new dataloaders and attach them to context. Then you can use the loaders from context in resolver class methods.

const DataLoader: MiddlewareFn = ({context}, next) => {
  if (!context.isDataLoaderAttached) {
    context.isDataLoaderAttached = true;

    context.personLoader = new DataLoader(/* ... */);
    // ...
  return next();

Of course you would need to provide new context object in express-graphql or graphql-yoga.

I'm not a fan of creating DI Container for each "request" as it denies the idea of single-threaded Node.js.

ashleyw commented 6 years ago

Is anyone aware of a workable strategy to get dataloader integrated with type-graphql today?

MichalLytek commented 6 years ago

@ashleyw you can always fallback to the plain apollo-like resolvers strategy - create dataloaders for your app for each request (like in example above - new DataLoader) and then retrieve them using @Ctx decorator for use in your resolvers.

ashleyw commented 6 years ago

@19majkel94 thanks, I'll look into it!

Is there anything you've discovered that prevents the batched resolving you posted above? That seems like it would be a sweet, almost automatic solution!

MichalLytek commented 6 years ago

@ashleyw This is how it works in @pleerock's vesper and it's quite easy to ~copy~ reimplement it in TypeGraphQL. But I am really busy right now, so bugfixing and maintance is all I can do right now 😞

goldcaddy77 commented 6 years ago

This should get you started. Create a DataLoaderMiddleware:

import DataLoader = require('dataloader');
import { MiddlewareInterface, NextFn, ResolverData } from 'type-graphql';
import { Service } from 'typedi';

import { Context } from './context.interface';

export class DataLoaderMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface<Context> {
  async use({ root, args, context, info }: ResolverData<Context>, next: NextFn) {
    if (!context.dataLoader.initialized) {
      context.dataLoader = {
        initialized: true,
        loaders: {}

      const loaders = context.dataLoader.loaders!;

      context.connection.entityMetadatas.forEach(entityMetadata => {
        const resolverName = entityMetadata.targetName;
        if (!resolverName) {

        if (!loaders[resolverName]) {
          loaders[resolverName] = {};

        entityMetadata.relations.forEach(relation => {
          // define data loader for this method if it was not defined yet
          if (!loaders[resolverName][relation.propertyName]) {
            loaders[resolverName][relation.propertyName] = new DataLoader((entities: any[]) => {
              return context.connection.relationIdLoader
                .loadManyToManyRelationIdsAndGroup(relation, entities)
                .then(groups => groups.map(group => group.related));
    return next();

Then attach when building your schema:

  const schema = await buildSchema({
    globalMiddlewares: [DataLoaderMiddleware],
    resolvers: [__dirname + '/**/*.resolver.ts']

Then you can use in your FieldResolvers like so:

  photos(@Root() user: User, @Ctx() ctx: Context): Promise<Photo[]> {
    return ctx.dataLoader.loaders.User.photos.load(user);

This still requires a bunch of boilerplate. I'd love to figure out a way to automatically create these field resolvers while also getting the schema generated and type safety.

miroslavzeman commented 6 years ago

@19majkel94 Hey, I would like to ask if the current approach with FieldResolver() for batching is working or not. Im trying to use the FieldResolver for batching but its not working. More in description in my code

import { Args, FieldResolver, Query, Resolver, Root } from "type-graphql";
import { Page } from "../../entity/Page/Page";
import { PageArgs } from "./PageArgs";
import { EntityManager, getManager } from "typeorm";
import { PagePart } from "../../entity/PagePart/PagePart";

@Resolver(() => Page)
class PageResolver {
  private manager: EntityManager;
  constructor() {
    this.manager = getManager();

  // This query is called once and receive all pages from DB in array
  // Each page has some parts which are fetched separately using FieldResolver.
  @Query(() => [Page])
  pageAll(@Args() args: PageArgs): Promise<Page[]> {
    return this.manager.find(Page);

  @FieldResolver(() => PagePart, { nullable: true })
  async pageParts(@Root() pages: Page[]) {
    // pages arg should contain an array of all fetched pages from pageAll()
    // BUT instead im receiving in pages arg a single page as object
    // Means: If I fetch 50 pages, the FieldResolver is called 50 times
    // receiving each page separately as object instead of array of 50 items.

    console.log("Field resolver called");
    return null;

export default PageResolver;

Query example:

  pageAll {
    pageParts {

Any help of what im doing wrong, please? Thanks!

MichalLytek commented 6 years ago

@miro4994 It's an issue, "To Do in Board", so how this is supposed to work? Is it a feature documented in docs? 😄 https://19majkel94.github.io/type-graphql/

miroslavzeman commented 6 years ago

Well, its morning... My mistake :D Thanks for quick response.

joonhocho commented 6 years ago

I've recently created BatchLoader written in TypeScript. Compared to DataLoader, it only does batching, but does it better. It shares identical apis (load, loadMany) with DataLoader. It handles duplicate keys (further reduces round trips when duplicate ids are provided) and is composable to create a new loader via mapping function. It doesn't do any caching, but can easily be intergated with any cache library. You may want to consider it over DataLoader. :)

MichalLytek commented 6 years ago

it only does batching, but does it better.

What does it means "better"? Can you show an example what is better, or maybe show some benchmarks with comparison to the dataloader?

It doesn't do any caching, but can easily be intergated with any cache library.

I think that Facebook's DataLoader is a well established solution that is known to every graphql developer, so it will be the first choose for now as it has "battery" included. Maybe in the future I will try to expose the data loading API to plugins so library consumers could choose their own baching or caching library.

apiel commented 6 years ago

One of the issue of dataloader, is that you have to create a loader per field. So if in your query you have 2 fields that are both related to the same entity, you will have to load them 2 times. For example, you have a table game with a column player1 and another column player2, that both are related to another table user, you will still need 2 loader, one for player1 and one for player2. Would be cool to only have one loader user. Also another weird thing with dataloader is that it use setTimeout to trigger the loading of the data. It would be great to get rid of this and maybe find a solution where graphql library would trigger the loader, maybe with an event or a callback function.

But, I guess to start, using dataloader might be the best approch ;-)

joonhocho commented 6 years ago


First, batchloader takes care of duplicate keys. For example, for the following code


with BatchLoader, your batch function will get [1, 2] as keys without duplicate keys, while DataLoader gives you [1,2,1]. There is a bit of optimization to remove duplicate keys.

As @apiel noted, with BatchLoader you can map a loader to create another loader to get specific fields or chain another query.

usernameLoader = userLoader.mapLoader((user) => user && user.username);
pictureLoader = userLoader.mapLoader((user) => user && user.picture);


both loaders will be sharing the same userLoader's batch queue so there are only one call to userLoader's batch function with keys being [userId].

You can compose a new loader by chaining loaders as well:

chainedLoader = loader1.mapLoader(v => loader2.load(v)).mapLoader(v => ...)

@apiel, We also use setTimeout to create batch queue. I don't see why it's a problem tho. Otherwise, you will need to somehow manage the queue yourself. Do you have any reason that you don't like setTimeout? do you have a better approach or use case?

MichalLytek commented 6 years ago

with BatchLoader, your batch function will get [1, 2] as keys without duplicate keys, while DataLoader gives you [1,2,1]. There is a bit of optimization to remove duplicate keys.

But we are talking about the cached version:

However, when the memoization cache is disabled, your batch function will receive an array of keys which may contain duplicates!


with BatchLoader you can map a loader to create another loader to get specific fields or chain another query

So can you show me that in this example? How many DB calls to the tables will DataLoader produces and the BatchLoader? 😉

query {
  user(id: 12345) {
    posts(last: 5) {
     comments(last: 3) {
lukejagodzinski commented 6 years ago

I was trying to use custom Repositories from typeorm with partial success. I've done something like this and batching is working fine:

import { EntityRepository, Repository } from "typeorm";
import * as DataLoader from "dataloader";

import { User } from "../types/User";

export class UserRepository extends Repository<User> {
  private loader: DataLoader<number, User> = new DataLoader(ids => {
    return this.findByIds(ids);

  findById(id: number) {
    return this.loader.load(id);

and later in the UserResolver:

import { Arg, Int, Query } from "type-graphql";
import { InjectRepository } from "typeorm-typedi-extensions";

import { User } from "../types/User";

import { UserRepository } from "../repositories/UserRepository";

export class UserResolver {
    @InjectRepository(User) private readonly userRepository: UserRepository,
  ) {}

  @Query(returns => User, { nullable: true })
  user(@Arg("id", type => Int) id: number) {
    return this.userRepository.findById(id); // It's using DataLoader

So in the query like this:

query {
  user1: user(id: 1) {
  user2: user(id: 2) {

DataLoader will receive array of IDs [1, 2];

However, the @InjectRepository decorator will create a new UserRepository instance for each decorator invocation. So in the case like this one it will fail to reuse data loader and caching will not work:

query {
  user1: user(id: 1) {
    posts {
      user {
  user2: user(id: 2) {

as there will be two instances of repositories, one for the UserResolver and one for the PostResolver class.

So the DataLoader in the UserResolver class will receive IDs [1, 2] and later the PostResolver DataLoader will receive ID [1] and another database query will have to be made.

Do you know if there is a way of reusing injected repository? I'm new to all the DI stuff in TypeScript. Or I have to use the context object to store data loaders?

MichalLytek commented 6 years ago

Do you know if there is a way of reusing injected repository? I'm new to all the DI stuff in TypeScript. Or I have to use the context object to store data loaders?

Of course you can store dataloader in context. You can also use scoped containers feature: https://19majkel94.github.io/type-graphql/docs/dependency-injection.html#scoped-containers

I was trying to use custom Repositories from typeorm with partial success. I've done something like this and batching is working fine:

You can use typeorm-loader: https://github.com/Webtomizer/typeorm-loader

lukejagodzinski commented 6 years ago

@19majkel94 thanks for pointing me into right direction. Actually, I've used services and put loaders there without using the typeorm-loader library. DataLoaders are quite simple, so didn't want to use any wrappers. Incorporating loaders into entities maybe sounds like good simplification but for me it just hides logic and I prefer to have more control over the process.

The only thing I will probably have to do is to clear container after each request, however that might not be necessary in my case as we will probably end up using serverless or similar lambda function provider.

A few questions about your example from the first post with the @FieldResolver(). I assume that it's just an example and not actual syntax to be used. I think it would be a little bit confusing to resolve multiple items when resolving single field, don't you think? Do you have any update on syntax side? To be honest I think such things doesn't have to be integrated into library. Maybe some example in the repo would be nice but that's it. At least, it's what I think from the current perspective. Maybe you have some great idea for how it could work.

MichalLytek commented 6 years ago

I assume that it's just an example and not actual syntax to be used. I think it would be a little bit confusing to resolve multiple items when resolving single field, don't you think? Do you have any update on syntax side?

No, it's an actual syntax, exactly how it's working in mentioned earlier Vesper: http://vesper-framework.com/#/typescript/resolvers

You can resolve a field for single root (normal mode) or you can resolve a field for multiple roots (batch mode). It's easy, why do you think it's confusing? Do you have a better API proposal?

To be honest I think such things doesn't have to be integrated into library. Maybe some example in the repo would be nice but that's it.

TypeGraphQL design goal is to provide not only class-to-schema feature but also to be a little frameworkish, that's why you have e.g. authorization built-in. I can make this feature really opt-in by a plugin (if the dataloader weight is too big) but in reality batching and caching is a must have for a GraphQL API server.

lukejagodzinski commented 6 years ago

You can resolve a field for single root (normal mode) or you can resolve a field for multiple roots (batch mode). It's easy, why do you think it's confusing? Do you have a better API proposal?

I'm not saying it's bad API but it's just not clearly visible that this resolver is using data loader. I guess that internally you can use reflections to detect if developer provided array or single object and use loader or not. But I think it would be better to explicitly decorate resolver.

TypeGraphQL design goal is to provide not only class-to-schema feature but also to be a little frameworkish, that's why you have e.g. authorization built-in. I can make this feature really opt-in by a plugin (if the dataloader weight is too big) but in reality batching and caching is a must have for a GraphQL API server.

Yep I agree that batching and caching is a must have in a big real life application. I'm not arguing with this :). Would be great to have it built in but it would also be nice to have a little bit of control over how it works.

I'm just curious if in a given example below:

@Resolver(of => Post)
export class PostResolver {
  user(@Root() post: Post) {
    return this.manager.findOne(User, post.userId);

@Resolver(of => User)
export class UserResolver {
  @Query(returns => User, { nullable: true })
  user(@Arg("id", type => Int) id: number) {
    return this.manager.findOne(User, id);

  posts(@Root() user: User) {
    return this.manager.find(Post, { userId: user.id });
query {
  user(id: 1) {
    posts {
      user { # ID = 1

would it reuse DataLoader for both UserResolver.user query and for PostResolver.user field resolver?

MichalLytek commented 6 years ago

would it reuse DataLoader for both UserResolver.user query and for PostResolver.user field resolver?

No, because dataloaders for field resolvers are tightly coupled to roots and the field resolver args.

And more obvious, as DataLoader works on setTimeout, the user query will return a promise, then for selected user it will query db for user's posts, and then during resolving of post object it will batch the queries for user field.

If you need a more aggressive caching, you can use your own data loaders that works on db layer. Dataloaders on field resolvers has to be universal - it may batch and cache some computation (like averageRating) or HTTP calls, not only DB queries using TypeORM.

Would be great to have it built in but it would also be nice to have a little bit of control over how it works.

Built-in will be universal and easy to use. They will fit for common cases and regular users. If you need more control - disable it and use your own solution. Complicating the API for the advanced 10% of users will make the 90% users sad 😞

Let's just wait for a first version of this feature and then we can find weak spots and discuss about making it more powerful. Now it's just like writing with a stick on the sand 😄

lukejagodzinski commented 6 years ago

No, because dataloaders for field resolvers are tightly coupled to roots and the field resolver args.

That was what I was thinking. It's rather rare case to have such a relation as I presented in the example but as you described for such cases it's better to use custom solution.

Let's just wait for a first version of this feature and then we can find weak spots and discuss about making it more powerful. Now it's just like writing with a stick on the sand

Agree :). When do you plan to have some working version? Could probably help you with some development but would need to spend some time on understanding internals of the library.

SIDE NOTE: (probably shouldn't talk about it here) I see that Vesper looks kinda like your competition but I prefer defining entities and types in the same class (so point for you :) ). I see that for top level queries Vesper has Controllers, and Resolvers only for custom types. I find it a little bit more intuitive, especial for newcomers. So I think it would be nice to have better explanation in docs how typegraphql's API correlates with standard GraphQL one. Just at the beginning it wasn't super intuitive for me, but as I've started using it, it makes much more sense now. Maybe I could help you with some documentation as I keep using it more. I'm just talking from the perspective when I was creating documentation for my library. Sometimes when I read it now, after several years, I don't understand it :). So sometimes, it's good to have documentation being written by someone else or at least being updated by a person who is not an author of the library and don't have full knowledge about why given design decision have been made :)

MichalLytek commented 6 years ago

When do you plan to have some working version?

I have to reorganize the milestones. Release 1.0.0 will be focused only on bug fixing, error reporting, making proper documentation and breaking changes in API that will prepare TypeGraphQL for new features.

Releases after 1.0 will be focused on new features like dataloader - depending on breaking changes, they will be released at 1.x (latest) or 2.0-beta.x (next).


Let's move this offtopic to the separate issue 😉

laukaichung commented 5 years ago

I just learnt the hard way that dataloader instance should not be shared application-wide. I'm getting similar caching problem as https://github.com/facebook/dataloader/issues/65

I have to create dataloader instance per request and pass it to the Context. I'm looking for alternatives that can be used for batch requests as well as caching results.

gotexis commented 5 years ago


GilShik commented 4 years ago

Hi @MichalLytek,

Was wondering if there is a way to inject the root array(for N+1 problem) for a query when using NestJS, cause I'm getting only the Root object?

Thanks, Gil

rfgamaral commented 4 years ago

@laukaichung Have you tried to use scoped containers with a wrapper class around a dataloader and try that instead?

@MichalLytek What would be the cons of the approach I just described?

micnil commented 4 years ago

I'm experimenting with a custom middleware for this, basically the idea is to attach a Dataloader decorator to fields that you want to batch, and then return the batch function from that resolver:

export class PollResolver {
  // ....

  votes() {
    // Return the batch function
    return (polls: Poll[]) => this.batchVotes(polls);

  async batchVotes(polls: Poll[]) {
    return await this.voteRepo.getVotesForPolls(polls.map(poll => poll.uuid));

The Dataloader middleware simply creates the dataloader (if it doesn't already exist) and stores it in a scoped container. Then calls the dataloader and returns the result:

// dataloader.middleware.ts
import { createMethodDecorator, ResolverData } from 'type-graphql';
import Dataloader, { BatchLoadFn, Options } from 'dataloader';
import Context, { Service } from 'typedi';
import { ResolverContext } from '../types/resolver-context';

interface Loaders {
  [key: string]: Dataloader<any, any>;

class DataloaderFactory {
  loaders: Loaders = {};

  makeLoader(id: string, batchFunction: BatchLoadFn<any, any>, options?: Options<any, any>) {
    if (!!this.loaders[id]) {
      return this.loaders[id];
    const loader = new Dataloader(batchFunction, options);
    this.loaders[id] = loader;
    return loader;

function DataloaderMiddleware<K, V>(options?: Options<K, V>) {
  return createMethodDecorator(
    async ({ root, context, info }: ResolverData<ResolverContext>, next) => {
      const dataloaderFactory = Context.of(context.requestId).get(
      const batchFunction = await next();
      const loader = dataloaderFactory.makeLoader(
        info.parentType.toString() + '.' + info.fieldName,

      return loader.load(root);

export {DataloaderMiddleware as Dataloader}

As you can see, we can also pass in the dataloader options to the decorator as an argument, making it possible to provide the cache key function for example. Any feedback would be appreciated.

adamalfredsson commented 4 years ago

Inspired by @micnil middleware implementation I tried experimenting with property decorators instead. I would like to inject a unique data-loader instance for each request so I created a custom parameter decorator @RequestContainer that pulls dependencies from a container scoped to each request. This is how I would use my dataloaders:

@Resolver(() => Book)
export class BookResolver {
  @FieldResolver(() => User)
  public async author(
    @Root() root: Book,
    @RequestContainer() userDataLoader: UserDataLoader
  ): Promise<User> {
    return userDataLoader.load(root.userId);

So each data-loader is a service class extending the DataLoader class. This allows me to inject dependencies like this:

export class UserDataLoader extends DataLoader<string, User | undefined> {
  constructor(userService: UserService) {
    super(async (ids) => {
      const users = await userService.findByIds(ids);
      return ids.map((id) => users.find((user) => user.id === id));

Finally I would make sure that there is a unique instance of the data-loader for each request, by using a custom parameter decorator:

export function RequestContainer(): ParameterDecorator {
  return function (target: Object, propertyName: string | symbol, index: number) {
    return createParamDecorator<Context>(({ context, info }) => {
      const paramtypes = Reflect.getMetadata('design:paramtypes', target, propertyName);
      const requestContainer = Container.of(context.requestId);
      return requestContainer.get(paramtypes[index]);
    })(target, propertyName, index);

The request id is just an uuid added to each request context.

It would also be advised to reset these containers after each request. Please read more about this in the type-graphql docs.

slaypni commented 4 years ago

Thanks to @nomadoda idea, I've created an utility type-graphql-dataloader to make use of DataLoader with TypeGraphQL more simple. If an application is using TypeORM, just add @TypeormLoader decorator to relation properties so that the fields will be batch loaded.

export class Book {
  @Field((type) => ID)
  id: number;

  @Field((type) => User)
  @ManyToOne((type) => User, (user) => user.books)
  @TypeormLoader((type) => User, (book: Book) => book.authorId)
  author: User;

  @RelationId((book: Book) => book.author)
  authorId: number;

In case of not using TypeORM, @Loader decorator is also available to define custom loader.

@Resolver((of) => Book)
export class BookResolver {
  @Loader<number, User>(async (ids) => {  // batchLoadFn
    const repository = getRepository(User);
    const users = keyBy(await repository.findByIds(ids), "id");
    return ids.map((id) => users[id]);
  author(@Root() root: Book) {
    return (dataloader: DataLoader<number, User>) =>
tafelito commented 4 years ago

@slaypni that looks good. Now if you have a loader with a complex key, like a pair of keys, how would you use it with @TypeormLoader?

slaypni commented 4 years ago

@tafelito That is a limitation of the current @TypeormLoader. In the above example, @TypeormLoader won't be applicable to author property if User had composite primary key. For that case, you could resort to @Loader writing custom loader function.

geoyws commented 4 years ago

@slaypni @MichalLytek could we merge type-graphql-dataloader into TypeGraphQL?

MichalLytek commented 4 years ago

No, TypeGraphQL is orm-lib agnostic. Why would you want to do that?

geoyws commented 4 years ago

Oh goodness, apologies, I mistook this forum for TypeORM's.

geoyws commented 4 years ago

We've started using @slaypni's type-graphql-dataloader at our company a week ago. It works well and has been saving us a lot of man-hours.

lowe0292 commented 3 years ago

We've started using @slaypni's type-graphql-dataloader at our company a week ago. It works well and has been saving us a lot of man-hours.

Seconded! I'm new to TypeGraphQL and expected the API to automatically resolve relations via decorators if requested in the query. type-graphql-dataloader bridges that gap.

fknop commented 3 years ago

Inspired by @micnil middleware implementation I tried experimenting with property decorators instead. I would like to inject a unique data-loader instance for each request so I created a custom parameter decorator @RequestContainer that pulls dependencies from a container scoped to each request. This is how I would use my dataloaders:

@Resolver(() => Book)
export class BookResolver {
  @FieldResolver(() => User)
  public async author(
    @Root() root: Book,
    @RequestContainer() userDataLoader: UserDataLoader
  ): Promise<User> {
    return userDataLoader.load(root.userId);

So each data-loader is a service class extending the DataLoader class. This allows me to inject dependencies like this:

export class UserDataLoader extends DataLoader<string, User | undefined> {
  constructor(userService: UserService) {
    super(async (ids) => {
      const users = await userService.findByIds(ids);
      return ids.map((id) => users.find((user) => user.id === id));

Finally I would make sure that there is a unique instance of the data-loader for each request, by using a custom parameter decorator:

export function RequestContainer(): ParameterDecorator {
  return function (target: Object, propertyName: string | symbol, index: number) {
    return createParamDecorator<Context>(({ context, info }) => {
      const paramtypes = Reflect.getMetadata('design:paramtypes', target, propertyName);
      const requestContainer = Container.of(context.requestId);
      return requestContainer.get(paramtypes[index]);
    })(target, propertyName, index);

The request id is just an uuid added to each request context.

It would also be advised to reset these containers after each request. Please read more about this in the type-graphql docs.

I'm having an issue with this solution for subscriptions. The request id being created on the connection of the subscription, the data loader is not "renewed" for every subscription execution resulting in stale data in my subscriptions. Any ideas how we could solve this with subscriptions?

jgiunta1 commented 3 years ago

I'm adding my solution to the mix, I just added the dataloader to the context so its created for every request. I'm using Mikro-Orm but you can replace the entity manager with any other way you query the database in your application.


const DataLoader = require('dataloader');


    const apolloServer = new ApolloServer({
        context: async ({ req, res }): Promise<MyContext> => {
            const em = orm.em.fork();
            return {
                em: em,
                bookLoader: new DataLoader(async (keys: string[]) => {
                    // Keys here would be a list of Author ID's. Each author can have multiple books.
                    // This data loader is to get all books by the authors in the list
                    // Use entity manager, em, to batch your calls here for the entity you'd like to resolve
                    const booksToResolve = await em.find(Book, {
                        author: {
                            id: { $in: keys },

                    const bookMap: Map<String, Book[]> = new Map();

                    booksToResolve.forEach((book) => {
                        let bookArray = bookMap.get(book.author.id);
                        if (bookArray) {
                            bookMap.set(book.author.id, bookArray);
                        } else {
                            bookMap.set(book.author.id, [book]);

                    const resolvedBooks: Book[][] = keys.map((key) => {
                        let books = bookMap.get(key);
                        if (!books) {
                            return [];
                        return books;

                    return resolvedBooks;



    @FieldResolver(() => [Book])
    async books(
        @Root() author: Author,
        @Ctx() context: MyContext,
    ): Promise<Book[]> {
        return context.bookLoader.load(author.id);
kicks321 commented 1 year ago

Status on this?

MichalLytek commented 1 year ago

@kicks321 image